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From the Desk of
County Executive Jan Gardner

(2/2021) Each February, we set aside time to celebrate love. I love my husband of 37 years. I love my parents, my children, and take great joy in my grandchildren. And I love our community. It is easy on cold, dark winter days to forget about the warmth and love that surround us. Love comes in more forms than Valentines. We see love in the helping hands of volunteers at the Seton Center and our local fire companies; in the actions of our neighbors who shovel our walks; and in the faces of friends who offer a cheery word to lift us up.

It’s important to remember these positive thoughts during these trying times. Sadly, COVID-19 has sickened many of our neighbors and taken the lives of hundreds in Frederick County. In January, we saw record levels of hospitalizations due to the virus. Most of us now know someone who has suffered from COVID-19.

But there is good news! We are in our last big battle of the pandemic and help is on the way in the form of a vaccine.

Right now, Job One at Frederick County Government is vaccinating our residents against COVID-19. There are tens of thousands of people in Frederick County who want to be vaccinated, but only a small number of doses are currently available each week. Thus, the demand for the vaccine far exceeds the supply, creating a lot of frustration. The County opens up appointment times at our vaccination clinics as soon as we receive doses from the State each week, and every single dose is put into someone’s arm the same week we receive it.

The question of the day, is when can I get my vaccine?

Frederick County is part of a statewide plan for distribution of the vaccine. The Governor and the Maryland Department of Health have established the priority order. Healthcare workers, first responders, and nursing home residents and staff were at the top of the list (Group 1A). The next priority group is people ages 75 and older (Group 1B).

Frederick County has approximately 14,000 residents in the75 and older age group. Once everyone in this group who wants a vaccine has received it, vaccination clinics will open to those 65 and older, as well as others identified by the State as eligible for vaccines, including educators and childcare providers. Last week, the Frederick County Health Department received 1,900 doses of vaccine, this week about 3,200 doses. So, you can clearly see how limiting the supply of vaccine is relative to our population.

The best way to get in the queue for a vaccine is to pre-register.

Frederick County has opened a pre-registration process for people interested in receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. The first step is to complete a Vaccine Interest Form at Completing this form does NOT schedule you for an appointment. The Health Department will contact people who have pre-registered by completing the form when their group becomes eligible for the vaccine, and they can then register for a specific appointment time that works for them. A link will be provided to sign up online or a phone number will be made available for people to call to schedule the appointment.

The majority of appointments for vaccinations will be made using the pre-registration process. So, it is important for people to sign up online and complete the Vaccine Interest Form. If you know of someone without access to the internet, you can fill out a form for them.

Frederick County Government has also set up a call center to help seniors who don’t have email or for people who do not have internet access. These individuals can call the Frederick County’s COVID-19 Vaccine Appointment Call Center to make an appointment by phone Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The number is 301-600-7900. Spanish speakers should call 301-600-7905. Please note that this call center is specifically to help people make appointments if they cannot do so themselves online. The call center has been extremely busy, so we ask others in our community to check on friends, family, or neighbors who may not be able to make their appointment online and help them with that process so that our call center can help those most in need of assistance.

Appointment slots continue to be limited due to limited supply of the vaccine, but more will be available each week as more vaccine becomes available.

Our community is fortunate to have excellent partners working together on this huge undertaking. The County and the local Health Department are coordinating our vaccination efforts along with Frederick Health Hospital and some of our pharmacies. The hospital vaccinated age 75+ patients of their medical group. CVS helped to vaccinate residents and staff at our assisted living facilities, and Giant has begun taking appointments at their pharmacy on Kingfisher Drive in Frederick, though supplies are very limited.

Frederick County Government has fully supported the vaccination effort with county staff, funding, and technology so that we can vaccinate as many people as possible in as short a time as possible. We know that it will take months to vaccinate everyone who wants to be vaccinated. We have plans to add more clinic locations, including a drive-through location, as soon as more vaccine is available. We are prepared to deliver all of the vaccine we receive every week and hope to receive an increased amount of doses in the future. It will take time, so I ask for everyone’s patience.

Even with the start of vaccinations, we need to remain on guard against the virus. The virus is still with us and hospitalizations and deaths remain extremely high. Practice the three Ws: Wash your hands, Wear a mask, and Watch your distance.

I also encourage everyone to stay informed. Frederick County Public Health Officer Dr. Barbara Brookmyer and I provide updates most Thursdays at 11 a.m. You can watch these briefings on cable channel 19 or on the County’s website at These weekly press briefings provide information on our battle with COVID, opportunities for economic assistance for both businesses and individuals suffering from the economic impacts of the pandemic, and updates on the vaccination process. I hope to announce some good news on this front in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!

Everything you want to know about vaccinations can be found at Information will be updated regularly.

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