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From the Desk of
County Councilman Michael Blue

(2/2022) As the calendar page turns to February, so does the Frederick County Council’s attention turn to the fiscal year 2023 budget.

For those of you who are not familiar with the County’s budget process, County Executive Jan Gardner began thinking about the upcoming fiscal year’s budget almost immediately after the fiscal year 2022 budget was passed by the County Council. The actual budget process, however, began in October 2021 with budget instructions being released to County departments.

On December 15, the County Executive held a public hearing to discuss the beginning structure of the upcoming budget. She forecasted that there will be a modest revenue growth from income and property taxes, some areas of uncertainty which includes the State budget and what will happen during the legislative session in Annapolis, but no tax rate increases.

In January, the County Executive began meeting with County departments and agencies such as the Board of Education, Frederick Community College, and County Libraries. In February, County Executive Gardner will also meet with individual County Council members to find out what we want to have included in the budget. The final proposed fiscal year 2023 budget will then be presented to the County Council by April 15th as mandated by our Charter.

This is where you come in! As your District 5 representative, I want to hear from you, the citizens of northern Frederick County. I want to know what your priorities are in regards to school construction funding, infrastructure, and general government projects that you believe would be worthwhile.

Four years ago I ran as a fiscal conservative. I believe in smaller and more efficient government. I believe a government should be large enough to deliver the services the people need and expect. You have my promise to not support any property rate increases. I will closely scrutinize the County Executive’s proposed budget and will only support needed expenditures.

As I mentioned in my January article, a new Council District map that moved two precincts from District 2, Precinct 08-001, Libertytown, with a population size of 2,600, and Precinct 19-001, Unionville/Linganore Grange Hall, with a population of 1,830, into my District 5 was finalized. I would like to welcome my new constituents to District 5 and ask you to join in with your budget feedback.

You can call my office at 301-600-1034, or email me at

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