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From the Desk of
County Councilman Phil Dacey

(8/2022) I want to begin by thanking all of the candidates that put themselves forward for election on that hot July 19 primary day. Democracy doesn’t work without people willing to step forward to help drive the ship of government, and finding good people to run is perhaps the most important step. Party does not matter as much as having people willing to dedicate themselves to making their community better; from school board on up to Congress.

I cannot describe how humbling it is to have someone approach you to say that they are going to vote for you or have just voted for you. It evokes a deep feeling of trust to do your best to honor that voter’s faith in you. I am incredibly honored that I have advanced to the general election in November as a Republican nominee for County Council-At-Large in Frederick County. I want to thank everyone who ran, and everyone who took the time to vote.

As to the business of the County Council, we are considering three potential charter amendments that would appear on the ballot should the County Council vote to move them forward.

The first is the most important. It would allow the County Council to move money in the County Budget from one Department to another. Currently, the County Council can only cut from the budget. However, this gives the County Executive’s Office a disproportionate amount of power. The County Executive is the only entity that can fund a Department – meaning if the Council as the representatives of the people want to hire more Sheriffs or Librarians, we don’t have the power. So the first charter amendment rectifies this situation.

Another charter amendment clarifies the authority of the County Council to adjust the budget as presented by the County Executive. A final amendment that the Council will consider would allow the Council Members to be eligible for benefits as they serve on the Council.

In the month of August, the Council will begin extensive hearings on the Sugarloaf area plan as approved by the Planning Commission. The draft plan does make several changes to the zoning in the area, and has the overall goal of preserving the area as a rural corridor. There will be ample opportunity for public comment including a public meeting on August 18 at 5 p.m. at Urbana High School.

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