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From the Desk of
County Councilman Phil Dacey

(9/2022) I want to begin by thanking everyone who voted in the July primary election. It was an unusual time for an election, right in the middle of the summer heat and vacations, but we had a good turnout. Democracy only works with an engaged population, and the voters I met were passionate and energetic about the issues. I was gratified to make it through the primary to the general election.

The Frederick County Council has been consumed with the first comprehensive plan review on the Sugarloaf Area Plan. We have been hearing hours of testimony, and it is encouraging that there is 95% agreement on the plan. Everybody wants to preserve this beautiful area from development and growth, and that seems to be the direction of the plan. This area in Southern Frederick County is under development pressure, but it is heartening that all sides agree that almost the entire area should remain rural in character and be protected from development.

The Council has worked on several other issues. The County Council agreed to sell an old property in Frederick City on Pine Avenue. The property should be able to be redeveloped in the City of Frederick to make it more productive than the old storage buildings it currently contains. It is my hope to get this property back on the tax rolls for it to be privately held.

The Council also amended an agreement with the Kroger Company for Economic Development. The Kroger Company has agreed to bring at least 550 jobs to their new Frederick County fulfillment center. This is the type of economic development that we need in Frederick, so that people can find good jobs here without having to commute down the road.

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