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From the Desk of
County Councilwomen Renee Knapp

(12/2023) Right about this time last year, I was sworn in to be a member of the Frederick County Council. To say I have learned a lot this year would definitely be an understatement. As my first year is coming to an end, it’s a good time to reflect, share some experiences, and look ahead to next year.

Although we are all one community in Frederick County in a larger sense, we are also comprised of many smaller and tightly knit communities. Getting to know the people and organizations who make up these communities has been my favorite part of my first year in office. I was invited to attend several awards banquets for volunteer fire and rescue companies, and award ceremonies recognizing members of Frederick County Department of Fire and Rescue Services. I was moved and grateful at every ceremony recognizing the bravery of first responders in our county. Firefighters, EMTs, DFRS leadership, emergency dispatch call takers, fire company auxiliary organizations, and countless volunteers work together every day in Frederick County to keep us safe, and to answer the call in our hour of need. Spending time with this community and understanding their organizational needs and goals has deepened my appreciation of their mission and dedication to public safety.

I grew up in the Middletown Valley. I went to schools surrounded by cornfields. I learned to drive on the county backroads dotted with many farms. However, agriculture wasn’t a part of my family’s daily life, even though it was all around us. I’m grateful to every farmer who took the time to speak with me and show me their farm, so I could become more knowledgeable about our local agricultural economy. The Frederick County Farm Bureau and the Catoctin & Frederick Soil Conservation Districts have been generous with their time to talk about issues such as nutrient management plans, cover crops, and agritourism.

I was able to attend the openings of so many Frederick County businesses! Bakeries, clothing stores, restaurants, law firms, entertainment venues, spas, and other businesses. It’s exciting to see a business owner realize their dream, and to be welcomed into the vibrant business community in Frederick County. I’m honored every time I’m able to be there for that special day for a business owner.

I had a couple of goals for my first year in office. First, I spent time listening to these communities and others, to understand their goals and challenges, and to understand how I could be of service. Second, I wanted to work on a successful bill to help working families. This month the County Council will vote on my Daycare Provider Tax Credit bill which is co-sponsored by Council President Brad Young. I’m hopeful this bill will pass and provide an incentive for the creation of more home-based daycare businesses. There are fewer daycare centers in the northern part of the county, and there is a dire need for more daycare options. If you would like to provide comments to the Council about this bill, you can send an email to

Lastly, it’s been a pleasure working with the other members of the Frederick County Council this year. It’s no secret we are not all in the same political party, and that we have some differing views. However, each member of the Council works every day for all residents with dedication and a willingness to work together whenever possible.

Many thanks to everyone who has taken the time to send me an email or call with your thoughts and ideas this year. You can always reach me at

Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy 2024!

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