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From the Desk of
County Executive Jessica Fitzwater

(7/2024) I love this time of year! Fireworks, picnics, carnivals – there’s so much to do, including some activities that are unique to Frederick County. The only high wheel bicycle race in the nation rolls into Frederick on July 13th. Closer to home in Thurmont, the Catoctin Historical Society invites people to spend the Fourth at the Furnace. There are living history tours at the Seton Shrine in Emmitsburg. For the adventurous out there, try goat yoga at Links Bridge Vineyard in Thurmont.

Award-winning transit

We know transportation can be a game-changer. Job opportunities expand and medical care improves when people have a safe and reliable way to get around. That’s why my administration made it a priority to expand transportation options. The County’s Transit staff collects input from our communities on ways our bus system can serve people better. As a result of talking with residents from Emmitsburg to Brunswick, we have expanded shuttle service to Emmitsburg, Thurmont, Brunswick and Jefferson. Additionally, starting this month we are adding more frequent mid-day trips along the Golden Mile. And in case you hadn’t heard, it’s free to ride our buses!

These changes in service are a direct result of listening to riders and community members. It’s because we choose to meet people where they are that Transit Services of Frederick County was recently recognized as the best community transportation system in the nation for 2024! The Community Transportation Association of America presented the award at a conference two weeks ago. Frederick County won in the Large System category.

Transit earned the award for being creative, collaborating with other services, helping to meet community goals, building public-private partnerships, and providing transportation options that are accessible to everyone. Their work is making a difference. Ridership continues to grow.

I am incredibly proud of our Transit team for winning this prestigious national honor. This award is a testament to their professionalism and dedication. Transit expands opportunities that connect people to jobs, services, and opportunities.

Building resiliency

Maryland’s U.S. Senators, Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen, came to Frederick County last month to recognize the work the County is doing to reduce our reliance on the region’s electrical grid. They presented a check for over $1 million to help pay for a solar-powered microgrid at the Prospect Center off U.S. Route 15.

The Prospect Center currently houses the Department of Facility Maintenance and the Office of Construction Inspection. More agencies and services will move to the facility in the next two to three years, including the 9-1-1 center and the Emergency Operations Center.

Solar panels on the roof will generate electricity for the facility and charge backup batteries in case of a power outage. Once the system is built, Frederick will be the first county in Maryland to have its 9-1-1 call center powered by a microgrid. We expect to break ground on the project next year.

The microgrid will save us money on utility bills and make the Prospect Center less vulnerable to power outages. What’s really exciting is that the project will also allow the public to use part of the Prospect Center as a Resiliency Hub. A Resiliency Hub is a space that has back up power so if the community loses power, residents can access heat or air-conditioning and plug in medical equipment.

I am extremely grateful to Senator Cardin and Senator Van Hollen for their support for this important clean-energy project in a neighborhood that has been historically underserved. The senators requested and secured funds for the project through the Congressionally Directed Spending program through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.


If you watch the County’s public meetings on Comcast cable, be sure to add Channel 1072 to your list of favorites. That’s the new home for Frederick County Government’s high-definition television station, FCG TV. You can still find the standard-definition broadcast on Channel 19. You can also stream the HD version online from

If you aren’t familiar with FCG TV, the channel airs more than public meetings. You can also find original programming, like the twice-a-month news magazine County Perspective. Series like Farming Frederick and Destination Frederick highlight some of the best our community has to offer. You can also watch profiles of residents, spotlights on County resources and services, public service announcements, and more. All the original shows can be found on

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