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Implementing common-sense problem solving

Jason Miller, Candidate for Council-At-large (R)

(5/1) I wanted to thank the Emmitsburg News Journal for its endorsement of our campaign’s conservative platform this past week. This is vital to our classically conservative message because the stakes in this year’s Republican primary election couldn’t be higher. My campaign for County Council At-large has been laser focused on the urgency of implementing real common-sense conservative problem solving. I’ve tried to express the terms under which real conservatism is the best way to address issues with our local schools, local roads, local neighborhoods and local safety.

True conservatism is a fiscal mindset that acts as a moral compass. It is a mindset that respects the time that working people spend at their jobs to pay their local taxes. Real conservatism is more than a slogan, a soundbite, or a former politician’s endorsement. That is a noble truth. We as Republicans need to reject the temptation of saying everything is fine when it’s not fine. George Washington once said that “The truth will ultimately prevail where there are pains to bring it to light.”
Truth be told, Frederick County has faced overcrowding in its schools since 1999, it has also had alarming growth since 2005, along with budgetary issues with fire and rescue since 2010, and immense trouble with roads and infrastructure since 2004 respectfully. An even more glaring truth is that the obsessive inaction by the current majority on the Frederick County Council has put good government on the back burner. The Council has also kicked the vital issues can so far down the road that it has compounded the costs to solve these problems. The same problems that should have been meaningfully addressed years ago.

The heady, carefree, self-indulgent attitude on the part of county leadership has only compounded the problems facing taxpayer’s today. There is plenty of bipartisan blame to go around. Simply assigning blame in the terms of partisan politics doesn’t solve anything and prolongs everything.

Common sense dictates that the Frederick County Council find tangible solutions before the costs associated with overcrowded schools, county roads and residential development spiral out of control. So far all we have seen is a County Council that governs despite itself. Like Ben Franklin said, "Common sense is something that everyone needs, few have, and none think they lack." We need a common-sense conservative on the Frederick County Council.

Make no mistake. There is nothing pernicious about a classical conservative voice standing up and pointing out the flaws of no plan in sight on vital issues. Our Frederick County Council needs to stand up and elevate simple conversations into a fact focused debates. Those debates should yield up pragmatic, results driven, and fiscally responsible ideas. Gone should be the days of the behind the scenes meetings and personality-based filibusters. We need to end the four-year drama that has been an epic dereliction of duty to the Frederick County Taxpayer.

The time has come to hold our County Council accountable to the people it’s been entrusted to serve. The County Council must remember that it owes its power to the residents of Frederick County. The people are deserving of a better elected official. Thomas Jefferson said "The purpose of government is to enable the people in a nation to live in safety and happiness. Government exists for the interests of the governed, not for the governors." I couldn’t agree more with Jefferson. If you agree too, I‘m asking for one of your two votes on the June 26 Republican Primary for County Council At-large.