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"...knowledge and experience on issues"

Susan Reeder Jessee
Candidate for  County Council At-large (D)

(6/2018) The field of candidates for County Council At-large is big, and decisions need to be made on which candidate to vote, so what do you do? It’s a loaded question with a simple answer. Look for the candidate(s) with knowledge and experience on issues that best represents what is important to you, and to Frederick County.

We are blessed in Frederick County to have citizens that care and go the extra step to help their neighbor. Some issues in the county have become controversial and I believe we need council members that should focus more on what brings us together versus what divides us, and if elected I promise to serve in that capacity.

I am a mom, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a wife, and as the only woman running for an At-large seat, I feel it’s important to have a female voice representing the entire county on the council. I have lived in 4 of the 5 council districts in Frederick County throughout my life and know that each one has its own unique strengths and challenges. Understanding that on the council is important.

I attended North Frederick, Parkway, and Waverly Elementary and graduated from Gov. Thomas Johnson High School. My husband graduated from Frederick High School and my kids graduated from Middletown High School. I believe that all children in Frederick County deserve the best education possible no matter where they live or where they have come from. Each school has its own unique strengths and challenges and not one size fits all. Understanding that on the council is important.

I believe that every citizen that works hard deserves to be paid a living wage, and should be able to afford a home in this county. I was proud to have been part of the first incubator in Frederick County-FITCI that created hundreds of good paying jobs locally. I am proud of my husband who has owned a small business in Frederick for over 30 years. Small business is the backbone of our economy and yet we still lag behind in family supporting jobs and affordable housing options for our citizens. Understanding that on the council is important.

I believe it our moral obligation to take care of our seniors. It was an honor to serve on the "Friends of Meals on Wheel Board" that helped generate funds to support the county’s program. As more seniors decide to age in place we must finds ways to take care of our fastest growing population to help them do this. Understanding that on the council is important.

I believe Frederick County has the best first responders around! Our career and volunteer fire and rescue and law enforcement personal put their lives on the line, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to keep us safe and it is truly an honor to serve with these heroes on the "Fire and Rescue Advisory Board." The county must provide them what they need to take care of themselves and our citizens. Understanding that on the council is important.

I believe the soil that I grew produce in as a child, gave me an appreciation of our rich agriculture heritage, and the abundance of opportunities it offers. It’s our obligation to preserve and take care of our home. Let’s make sure we don’t lose the beauty of our county that attracts so many others to this area. It a balance if managed correctly, can be achieved. Understanding that on the council is important.

So I kindly ask for your vote and promise to listen, work hard, to preserve and protect everything that we all love about this county!