Non-Profit Internet Source for News, Events, History, & Culture of Northern Frederick & Carroll County Md./Southern Adams County Pa.


My Priorities

Kai Hagen – Candidate of Council At-large (D)

(6/2018) Very soon, on June 26th, registered Democrats and Republicans in Frederick County will choose their nominees to compete for the two at-large seats on the county council this November. Based on history, less than half of the registered voters that could chose those nominees will show up and cast one or both of the votes they have to help determine who will advance to the general election.

Because these choices make a real difference, and because the two at-large candidates who win in November will have a major impact on the composition of the next council…and on the county we all call home…I encourage you to invest a little time to learn about the at-large candidates, and to get out and vote in the primary.

As one of five Democrats vying to be one of those two nominees, of course, I also hope you'll cast one of those two votes for me!

As a county commissioner (2006-2010), and no less so as an active citizen and community leader before and since then, I have been engaged in important county issues for more than two decades, working hard to ensure that Frederick County’s Future is vibrant, affordable and sustainable!

Local government is us. And local government works for us when we work together, in a highly ethical, fully transparent, well-managed, efficient and effective manner that reflects the concerns of everyone in our community. I am dedicated to excellent public education, responsible planning, protecting our environment, strengthening our agricultural and rural communities, making affordable housing a reality, creating sustainable economic development, ensuring public safety, tackling the opioid crisis and encouraging citizen participation.

No matter what our form of county government may be, whether the commissioner form of government we had for so long or the new charter government we established in 2014, local government won’t be any better or worse than the people we elect to represent us, and their ability to work well, with each other and with the people and families and distinct communities that make Frederick County a special place.

It’s vital to elect people who understand that county government should and can work well to represent the interests and protect the well-being of our community.

Frederick County is a wonderful place to live! With my wife, Kirsten, and our two boys, I have loved living in the City of Frederick, and, for the last 18 years, in the countryside near Thurmont.

But we face real challenges. If we want to thrive and prosper, especially as the county grows and the world around us changes, we need decision-makers who understand the connections, who are committed to good process, who care about everyone in our community and will work…with you…toward real and lasting solutions.

With strong, committed leadership, we can meet those challenges, turn them into real opportunities, and create an even better place to live.

There isn’t enough space here to adequately convey what you might want to know about me, or my experience and perspective on the issues that are most important to you. So, if you’d like to know more, please visit my website at