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Balancing the political pendulum

Regina Williams, Candidate for County Executive

(6/2018) Last year, on June 14 I officially filed as a candidate for the office of Frederick County Executive. The sense of patriotism and pride as I completed the paperwork to officially put my name on the ballot can’t be captured in words.

As a citizen who has never run for public office, much thought and prayer went into this decision. It was also a surreal moment for me. As I turned in my paperwork at the Board of Elections, one of the employees shared the breaking news that a Republican Congressman had just been shot while practicing for a Charity Baseball Game. I was shocked. It made me question why anybody would put themselves out there in the midst of the political divide happening in our country. Whether this was a foreshadowing of the ugliness in the political arena I was about to enter or a test of my conviction for running for public office, I walked out of that office even more determined to make a difference.

My motivation to run for County Executive is quite simple. I want my daughter to grow up in a safe community, have a top notch education, be able to buy a home in Frederick County and start her own business if she chooses like her grandparents and great grandparents did. No single person has more influence over all these things than the County Executive. During my 14 year tenure as a CPA in the Finance Division at Winchester Hall, I realized the impact we can make on our community in local government.

My work experience in the Finance Division allowed me to witness politicians make funding decisions that were often short-sighted and based on the upcoming election rather than the long-term best interests of Frederick County residents. As a CPA, I bring an objectivity inherent in my profession that is often lacking in politics. Fiscal responsibility and accountability are benchmarks of the CPA profession. These should be the most important attributes of a County Executive. Being a good steward of your hard-earned tax dollars is of the upmost importance to me.

Frederick County has the third highest County Property tax rate in the State of Maryland, yet our roads are congested, our schools are overcrowded and public safety is being jeopardized with first responder positions underfunded. Mismanaging the growth and development of this County didn’t happen overnight. Every candidate in this County Executive race has served in political office from 8 – 16 years. It is time for fresh, innovative ideas and change.

We are at a crossroads as we end our first term of Charter Government in Frederick County. This is a pivotal election, a chance to bring balance to the political pendulum swings of the past decade. We need a conservative, practical approach to governing along with open-minded leadership. Who better to serve the taxpayers of Frederick County than a qualified citizen who understands how our local government works and who isn’t entrenched in politics.

Make your voice heard, please get out and Vote in the Primary Election on June 26th! Of all the celebrations and events happening in June, none is more impactful on your future than this Primary Election. Funding for our children’s schools, sheriff’s department, firefighters, transportation and roads, parks and recreation, libraries, our seniors and decisions determining the growth and development of our county are dependent on your vote.

Early Voting begins June 14 – 21st from 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. at the Turmont Regional Library There would be no greater honor for me than to serve as your next Frederick County Executive. I humbly ask for your vote on June 26th.

To learn more about Regina visit her campaign website at