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Sandra Dalton (R), Clerk of the Circuit Court

(10/28) November 6, 2018; a date that will set the tone for the next 4 years for our County. In this election, every vote does count and every vote does matter. Please cast your vote and make your voice heard.

Obviously, my hope is that Sandra K. Dalton for Clerk of the Circuit Court will be one of your selections. As this is the last article before Election Day and there has been much said from all of the candidates, now the real work lies with you – the voter. Please don't be misled, check the facts. See my website, to view my accomplishments, goals.

My history working for you as Clerk has seen this office go from typewriters to the most modern technology available for your court. We have implemented E-filing for civil and criminal cases, E-recording for releases and assignments in land records, shortened term of service for jury duty, on-line qualification for jury service, applying and leaving with your marriage license on the same day instead of making two trips, cross-training courtroom clerks so judges don't have to break between case types for a trained clerk to take over, "No-Findings" audits from the Legislative Auditors, reduced process time and more. In fiscal year 2018, we collected over 17 million dollars.

Coming soon for jurors will be the option to receive text messages about their jury service. The next step in E-recording will be the acceptance of Deeds and Mortgages.

New to the court this year is the opening of the first combined (District and Circuit Court) Self-Help Center in the State of Maryland. Citizens can now receive free legal advice five days a week. We've even heard of the possibility of a mobile unit going out into your communities. How awesome would that be?

It is said that managers do things right, and leaders do the right things. A manager carries the vision, but a leader creates that vision. The leader sees the big picture and looks to the future, needed changes, and has a vision, while the manager motivates the implementation. Having worked in both positions, it is clear that the best team comes from having both positions work together. Folks, this is your Clerk's office! You have competent, knowledgeable, caring, and trustworthy subject matter experts leading every department in this office. Working with all of the Clerk’s Office employees as a team, we strive to give each person before us the best service possible. Every Clerk’s Office employee represents the title and office of Clerk of the Circuit Court. They make me proud to be their leaders and your elected Clerk.

As your Clerk, my door and ears have always been open to you, our staff, our judges, our judicial partners, and anyone else that wants or needs to speak with me. Part of the vision for this office is to always look for ways to improve, and to always provide the best service possible with honesty, fairness, and timeliness.

My continued goal is to work to make this office a welcome and helpful office to those we serve, to the employees that make the same commitment to serve and to our justice partners. The future of our courts is under continuous improvement. Improving access and services is an ongoing commitment from me to you. You are the only special interest group I represent. Please continue to trust me in this leadership position to represent your interests in the justice process.

I humbly ask for Your Vote on November 6. Thank you and God Bless.