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Finishing what I started

Brad Young, Candidate for Board of Education

(6/2018) I’m asking for your support and vote in the upcoming election on June 26th. I am currently in my 2nd term on the Frederick County School Board and I’m running to for re-election. I’m running to complete some of the work that I have been a part of starting over my tenure on the Board. The first and major thing that I want to get completed is the transition to the new salary scale that we negotiated and adopted by the Board and our Teacher’s Association 3 years ago. This new scale increased our starting teacher’s pay from being the lowest in the state back up towards the top where they belong.

Our county was not only finding it hard to attract great new teachers, but we were losing our current teachers to other neighboring counties. We all know that a great education always starts with a great teacher! We have one more year to go on completing the transition and I want to make sure that it gets done. I am also very excited about our new Lynx program at Frederick High School. It offers adaptive and flexible learning for the changing needs of our students. I not only want to see the completion of the rollout, but to see it expanded to our other schools.

I am a passionate believer in education and particularly in public education. I have dedicated much of my life to pour youth including teaching, coaching, mentoring and providing internships and job shadows to many young people. Many of those were young people from Northern Frederick County including having coached and taught many from Catoctin High School and having provided internships to graduates of Catoctin. Our children are our future! We all have an obligation to pay it forward and work with our next generations to help them become great citizens of Frederick County. There are a lot of bad things that happen in our country and in our community, but I am optimistic that through working with and mentoring our youth, we will help fix those problems!

Our Board oversees a budget of over $600 million dollars each year. My experience as a financial planner and investment advisor uniquely qualify me to serve on the board of education. I have over 30 years’ experience in the financial industry. I have also taught financial courses at Mount St. Mary’s University for the past 16 years. It is critically important that we have some board members with that financial expertise and experience.

I have been extremely active in our community and I care about it passionately. FCPS has given so much to me, my wife and children and soon to my grandchildren. I know that education is not only the biggest economic driver in any community, but it is the great equalizer of our society! I pledge my commitment to keep working hard to help FCPS meet the needs of our community and I ask for your support and your vote!