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Karen Yoho, Candidate for Board of Education

(10/28) "The pen is mightier than the sword", I would often quote to my students and then immediately have to explain the meaning to 3rd, 4th, or 5th graders. As soon as I filed to run for the Board of Education, this saying came to mind. My past words were posted on Facebook and, of late, in letters to the editor. In particular, four years ago, I wrote an LTE explaining why citizens should not vote for Brad Young. Now I’m running on a slate with Brad and he has my full support. For this reason, I’ve been accused of being a hypocrite. I don’t see it that way because I don’t feel that I am the one who has changed.

Over the past four years, Brad has shown himself to be fully behind the teachers. This wasn’t always apparent, and I’m not the only one who thinks this. The teachers’ association did not endorse Brad in the 2014 election. This time they did. When Brad realized that the school system was losing great teachers to nearby counties, he stepped up and addressed the issue. He was instrumental in arriving at a new salary scale that the budget could tolerate and would truly help boost teacher’s pay. He also shows in many ways his support for students and staff, in both policy and actions. He is one of the biggest cheerleaders the school system has. If I didn’t support him now, someone who is actively showing his support for public education, what kind of candidate would I support?

In addition to Brad Young, I am pleased to be running with Jay Mason and Camden Raynor. Jay ran for the school board two years ago and came in last. He did not let this get him down. He has spent the time since learning more about the school system and advocating for the students who do not always succeed. I keep learning of new ways that Jay is helping others in the community. With three children currently attending FCPS schools, he will be the voice of the parent on the Board of Education.

Some will dismiss Camden Raynor because they think he is too young to bring anything to the position of school board member. I encourage you to meet Camden. After a brief conversation, you will realize you couldn’t have been more wrong. I am constantly amazed at his depth of knowledge about the school system, as well many other subjects. We have done a great deal of canvassing together, which has afforded us the opportunity to have many a discussion on a wide range of topics.

He’s the youngest candidate on the ballot, but I consider him an equal and a friend. I promise, you will not regret casting your vote for Camden.

That leaves me and why I should earn your vote. I would direct you to my October column for more details, but I want to add that I attended the Career & Technology Center Open House on Oct. 25. I’m more convinced than ever that we need to expand this engaging program. I’m a problem solver and my mind is already making lists of people I need to talk to and information I need to gain in order to know how best to attack this issue. I want to be the voice of the classroom. I will listen and then I will weigh options. I will work collaboratively with my fellow board members and FCPS staff to do the best for our students and community. I would appreciate your vote this election.