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Why am I running

Sabrina Massett – State Senate (D)

(5/1) I am a proud Democrat, excited to be running for the Maryland State Senate in District 4. As a life-long Frederick County resident living in Thurmont, I have a strong appreciation for the small towns, farming heritage, and rural landscapes that comprise our district, and the vibrant, historical cities throughout our state.
With thirty plus years of human services employment and community activism, I bring first-hand knowledge of the impact that federal and state government have on all citizens, particularly working families and those struggling to prosper. From my current employment as a case manager for the Frederick County Department of Social Services where I’ve gained expertise in Medicaid and other support programs, to serving as volunteer and outreach coordinator for the Frederick County Meals on Wheels Program, and as a supervisor on an Assertive Community Treatment Team, I’ve observed the difference that fully funding these vital programs make in the lives of working and middle class people, senior and homebound citizens, those struggling with mental illness, substance abuse, criminal histories, and homelessness, and, by extension, in the economies and quality of life for the surrounding communities.

Service to my community is a given. As a ten-year member of the Thurmont Planning and Zoning Commission, I gained insight into the complexities of balancing the demand for residential and commercial growth with protecting the quality of life for current residents. During my years of service, the commission developed a vision for our town, updated master and zoning plans, and grappled with county and state environmental requirements, as well as issues around annexation and in-fill development. While raising three children, I served PTAs at Thurmont Elementary and Middle Schools. As a member of the Graceham Moravian Church, I have taken on many leadership roles and am a voice and activist for outreach and social justice.
My priorities in the Senate would be to ensure that all our citizens have the opportunity to thrive. We need to attract and support industries such as medical and renewable energy research, because they provide well-paying jobs close to home. We also need to encourage small business opportunities. We must fully fund our public school systems. All of our residents need access to safe and affordable housing, child care, and transportation. I will work to protect the state’s commitment to affordable health care. Finally, I will make retirees and senior citizens a priority in terms of supports necessary for our retirees to be able to afford to continue to live in the county and engage in meaningful activities, and for our senior citizens to age in-place and develop more safe and comfortable solutions when they can no longer remain at home.

Our natural resources must be protected, so I will work to attract green, sustainable industry, set goals for clean renewable energy sources, develop comprehensive waste reduction and management solutions, and encourage responsible residential development, including walkable and bicycle friendly communities, and public transportation options. Protecting our farming industry for the future is vital. I will work to serve as a bridge between the agricultural community and environmental protection regulators to ensure requirements are met without undue financial hardship.

We cannot continue to lose our young people to substance use illness. We must develop comprehensive solutions through partnerships with community advocates, behavioral and medical health services, law enforcement and the justice system. Funding and development of increased detox, inpatient options, recovery and transitional services must happen immediately. Our young people’s lives, and those of their children, spouses and families are not expendable.

I am confident that the people of District 4, people like the friends and neighbors I have grown up with, worked with, attended church and community events with, can come together respectfully to find solutions to some of the most divisive issues facing our district and state – including common sense gun safety laws and increased awareness of mental health needs to reduce suicide rates and domestic violence and the a Maryland where our communities are safe, welcoming places to live - where all citizens are valued.

The many changes happening on the federal level make it imperative that Marylanders have a strong voice in Annapolis advocating for all citizens. I can be that voice, and I ask for your vote.