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From the Desk of Julianna Lufkin (D)
Candidate for County Council District 5

Onto the general election

(8/2022) Well my friends, the day we never thought would come finally did. A few weeks ago, votes from citizens around the state were counted, and the democratic process was once again successful. I was fortunate enough to have an uncontested Democratic primary, which means that I received 100% of the votes of Democrats in District 5; thank you! Your faith in and support of me is truly touching, and I’m so grateful to have all of you in my corner.

Personally, I believe in approaching politics in the same way that I approach the classes I teach; no one issue or subject exists independently of others. By working to solve one issue directly, be it ensuring that Frederick County’s rural areas receive reliable broadband quickly, or working to reduce food insecurity in children, you are inherently solving other issues in the community. Because I’m all about a good kitchen metaphor, I like to picture it as a set of bowls that fit neatly into each other.

One of my sets of nesting bowls involves, as I mentioned, reducing food insecurity, specifically for children. The largest bowl is in regards to the nearly one third of students enrolled in FCPS who currently suffer from food insecurity. The USDA defines "food insecurity" as "a lack of consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life." I propose that we make the FCPS nutritionists and dieticians jobs easier by forging connections and contracts between the school system and our thirteen hundred farms, which cover more than one third of our county. We are incredibly fortunate to have two non-profits already working towards the goal of connecting farmers with the school system. Strong communities need strong schools, it’s true. We also have a duty to prove to our students that we support them, their families, their neighbors, and our agricultural roots, which will in turn create strong communities in the future.

Just within that largest bowl we find the first of the secondary solutions. By assisting FCPS in making contracts with local farmers, we provide our farmers with a reliable and steady source of income, even if it’s small. When the pandemic first hit, and the supply chain issues began, many small farmers saw an unprecedented jump in business. Customers were buying large quantities of meat, were signing up for CSAs (community supported agriculture), and were adamant about keeping their money in the local economy. With restrictions easing, however, many farms are seeing a return to how things were before the pandemic. Now is the time to help grow a future where "small ag" can flourish, and I believe that one of the ways we can do that is by connecting our farmers with FCPS.

If elected, I will never stop working for Frederick County in general, and District 5 in particular. I will ensure that we are represented by a compassionate, hard-working, reasonable voice on the County Council. For those who aren’t registered Democrats, your first chance to vote for me will be in November. I hope that in the coming months, I can demonstrate to you my unending commitment to the betterment of Frederick County and the lives of all of her residents.

As always, no matter your party affiliation, please reach out to me with your concerns and issues; I’m here to listen, and to work towards the future we all want for ourselves and our county. You can find more information about me and my platform at my website;

Read other campaign articles by Julianna Lufkin

For more information on Julianna, visit her campaign website at