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From the Desk of Julianna Lufkin (D)
Candidate for County Council District 5

On protecting the environment

(9/2022) Happy September, District 5! An added bonus with the arrival of fall, when the days begin to shorten and (theoretically) cool, is that we get a few steps closer to November 8, 2022. This month, among other places, you’ll be able to find me at the Great Frederick Fair, passing out literature and talking to voters. Make sure to add the Frederick Democrats tent to your list of things to do at the fair! Mine always includes checking out the prize veggies and handicrafts, getting a pit ham sandwich from Hemp’s, and grabbing a scoop of ice cream from the Dairy Bar. What’re your must-sees?

I’m delighted and proud to share with you that I have received the endorsement of the Sierra Club! For my article this month, I decided to include a few of the questions posed in the Sierra Club’s endorsement process, along with my answers. The environmental issues we’re facing, both globally and locally, are on everyone’s mind these days, as they should be, and I believe that total transparency is paramount when running for office.

Q: What specific actions will you take as a County Council member to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support climate change adaptation? Do you agree that climate change is an existential threat?

A: First of all, let me be clear; climate change is a global threat that for too long has continued to grow in importance. It is now too late for politicians to mildly suggest solutions. We need immediate and firm action. I would champion all recommendations made by Livable Frederick, as well as introducing more widespread composting options, alongside trash removal and recycling.

Q: Should Frederick County take further actions relating to failing or inadequate septic systems in order to protect our drinking water sources, freshwater streams and rivers, and the Bay from septic-system pollution? How should Frederick County manage private wells to protect public health?

A: Yes, I believe that the county should step in and offer to manage failing and inadequate septic systems. As for wells, I grew up on a private well, and while we were fastidious about our water quality, I know others are not. I would advocate for free classes for those who buy or own property with a private well, explaining how and why to test their wells.

Q: Are there specific rail, light rail, road, and bridge projects (new, expansions, and/or replacements) you favor or oppose?

A: I particularly oppose the widening and toll lanes for 270. I feel that this will cause a disparity between the "haves" who pay for the toll lanes and the "have nots" who do not.

As always, no matter your party affiliation, please reach out to me with your concerns and issues; I’m here to listen, and to work towards the future we all want for ourselves and our county. You can find more information about me and my platform at my website;

Read other campaign articles by Julianna Lufkin

For more information on Julianna, visit her campaign website at