Non-Profit Internet Source for News, Events, History, & Culture of Northern Frederick & Carroll County Md./Southern Adams County Pa.


From the Desk of Brad Young
 Candidate Council-at-Large

On to the general election....

(7/2022) The campaign is starting to get rolling. The primary is coming up in about 3 weeks. There are only 2 candidates on the Democratic Ballot which are me and Renee Knapp so we are listed as unopposed as we both go on the general election ballot in November. You can still vote for us though on your ballot.

Recently, I was endorsed by the Career Firefighters Association of Frederick County Local 3666. I am very honored to have their endorsement as First Responders are very important to me. I will work hard to support them in any way that I can. I will also say that in Frederick County, we are very blessed to have a great volunteer fire system as well and I will work hard to make sure they have the resources that they need. Frederick County is growing fast, and the county has had a hard time keeping up with the growth and filling positions. Frederick County also has a rich history of strong volunteers and I pledge to work with both our paid and volunteer members to make sure that Frederick County has the coverage we need to keep us safe.

I also am a strong supporter of our police departments. I have several retired law enforcement officers in my family including my son-in-law and brother-in-law. You cannot have a great community without having strong police and fire, ambulance, and rescue departments. We have so many great police officers leaving the field because of the negative coverage that happens when the few that are bad do stupid things. The majority of our officers are great people trying hard to keep us safe every day and we need to respect them and give them the support they need!

I would encourage our youth to consider law enforcement and firefighting as a career. I know both are in desperate need of good young people to join!

I have begun putting yard signs out and canvassing neighborhoods so look for me and if you would like a sign or contribute to the campaign, my website is If you would like me to attend or speak at any events, you can contact me at