Non-Profit Internet Source for News, Events, History, & Culture of Northern Frederick & Carroll County Md./Southern Adams County Pa.


From the Desk of Renee Knapp (D)
Candidate for County Council-at-Large

(1/2022) I am Renee Knapp, and I am running in 2022 for a seat on the Frederick County Council as an at-large council member, representing all the residents of Frederick County. I would like to thank the editor for this opportunity to introduce myself as a candidate and share my ideas for the future of Frederick County in a series of articles over the next few months. This month I will briefly explain what I see as priorities for Frederick County: Education, connectivity, transportation, and climate resilience.

I spent over 25 years as an advocate and a caregiver for my son with special needs. When not much was known about autism and autistic children were routinely underserved, I worked with doctors, specialists, therapists, and Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) schools to advocate for a plan to help my son become as independent as possible. I understood perseverance and the power of incremental progress. My son proudly graduated from high school in Frederick County and has successfully transitioned to steady employment in a local grocery store. With his success, I turned to dedicating more of my time to public service.

I grew up in Middletown and now live in Adamstown with my husband and our son. Being a lifelong county resident has given me insights and a wider perspective about the where Frederick County has been and where we can go. Because we are Maryland’s largest county by area and home to The City of Frederick, this county offers great economic opportunity for businesses, farms, and new residents. The next county council must continue to preserve the natural beauty and agricultural economy of Frederick County, while maintaining responsible fiscal management and Frederick County’s AAA bond rating. These principles are necessary for each of the priorities I will expand on in the coming months.

Education is the biggest investment we make with our county tax dollars and COVID-19 is devastating education in Frederick County. Our schools must receive the necessary funding to recover from the pandemic and assure students in Frederick County continue to graduate with a competitive 21st century education.

Future economic growth of the county depends on continuing advancements in broadband infrastructure and WiFi capabilities. Connectivity accelerates business, attracts companies to the county, and helps address education access and transportation issues. Over 40% of employed Frederick County residents commute outside the county to work in one of the most congested regions in the nation. Efficient and accessible transportation drives our local economy and contributes to the quality of life in Frederick County.

Lastly, Frederick County is starting to experience more frequent severe local weather events that disrupt roads, power, and communications. Planning for climate resilience is critical to avoiding expensive and reactionary fixes that impact county budgets and threaten property values, employment, and the quality of life. We must start adjusting our thinking about roads, water and sewer use, and electrical and communications lines, to make them more resilient in the face of weather extremes.

I look forward to expanding on these ideas in the coming months, and hearing voters’ perspectives. Feel free to reach out. I am running to represent the interests of all residents of Frederick County, and I’d love to hear from you.

For more information of Renee visit her campaign website at