Non-Profit Internet Source for News, Events, History, & Culture of Northern Frederick & Carroll County Md./Southern Adams County Pa.


From the Desk of Renee Knapp (D)
Candidate for County Council-at-Large

On the importance of listening

(9/2022) I’ve had the opportunity and the privilege to speak with many people in Frederick County as I’ve been out campaigning this year. Most conversations end in agreement about what a special place in which we live. Recently, I spoke with a man who moved to Frederick County from Montgomery County in the late 1970s. He and his wife raised their family here and they have no plans to downsize or move away anytime soon. They like their neighborhood and keeping up with home maintenance keeps him busy. Even with all the changes that Frederick County has seen in the last 45 years, we agreed that Frederick County is a wonderful place to live, and that the long-standing fear that our county would be consumed by Montgomery County has not materialized.

Making sure Frederick County can meet the needs of our growing elderly population will, by necessity, become a higher priority. This population is increasing and if we want to help older residents to live independently for longer periods of time, they will need additional services and resources. If we want to support our elderly population, we will be looking at new ways to make sure they have access to transportation, nutrition, and other services. Frederick County is the largest county in Maryland by area, and our traffic challenges are real. Expecting our senior motorists to keep adjusting to heavier traffic to attend doctors’ appointments is uncaring and unrealistic. With leadership from the county, the time to address this issue is before it ever reaches a crisis level.

As the need for care for our elderly population grows, we must also find ways to support the county’s caregivers. Many caregivers feel stressed emotionally and financially. They are often caring for aging parents, children with illnesses or disabilities, or both. Many caregivers for family members are unable to provide an adequate level of care and maintain paid employment at the same time. Outreach from Frederick County and area non-profit organizations to caregivers can make them aware of resources for seniors and residents with disabilities.

The foundation to support Frederick County residents’ staying in their homes as they age, if they choose, is already in place. The county currently has programs to help seniors access groceries and personal care if they need help. County government should begin planning for the inevitable increase in the need for these services. I will support responsible county budgets that allocate the required resources to help senior residents live as independently as possible.

It's hard to believe that Election Day is just about two months away, and that mail-in ballots will start going out at the end of this month. If you want to join me to keep Frederick County moving forward, you can sign up to volunteer or make a campaign contribution on my website, Helping with canvassing for even one afternoon makes a difference. If you have ideas for Frederick County, or responses to my ideas, you can send them to As your next Council Member, I’m here to listen.

Read other campaign articles by Renee Knapp

For more information of Renee visit her campaign website at