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From the Desk of County Executive Candidate Jessica Fitzwater

(2/2022) As a member of Frederick County’s Board of Health, I — along with my colleagues on the County Council and County Executive Jan Gardner — have had to make many difficult public health decisions during the past two years. Our actions have been based on scientific recommendations laid out by our Frederick County Health Officer Dr. Barbara Brookmyer and her outstanding team.

I’m proud of the work we’ve done on a bipartisan basis. Our health department has provided daily free COVID testing at its Hillcrest location and offered free vaccines at the Himes Ave. location (formerly Oak Street). But we’ve also established pop-up clinics in rural communities, engaged folks at community events, and established a full-time satellite office of the Health Department in the Hillcrest area.

It’s also important not to lose sight of the other aspects of our public health mission — everything from encouraging regular immunizations for our kids, to improving pre- and postnatal care, to offering essential mental health services and drug recovery programs. We are fortunate to have the assistance of many nonprofit organizations who help us extend the reach of public health.

I was pleased to join over 150 community members, health care providers, nonprofit advocates, policy makers, and business leaders for the Frederick County Health Priorities Public Input Session last month. This event focused on five health priorities based on local data– Adverse Childhood Experiences in Adolescents, Diabetes Type 2, Lack of Early Prenatal Care, Mental Health, and Obesity– and gathered input through breakout groups. By analyzing the resulting input, work groups will be established that will inform the work of the Local Health Improvement Process.

One extremely important initiative that is now getting underway is a study and strategic planning effort to address and eliminate maternal and infant health outcome disparities experienced by Black and Brown mothers in Frederick County.

This new initiative is moving forward through the leadership of a local grassroots group, Brown Mamas Building Bridges, and I’m proud to say it is one of the first projects the County is funding with American Rescue Plan Act funds.

Access to healthy food must also continue as a priority. Through the collaborative work of nonprofits and many others, food has been distributed at 80 locations around the county, and we’ve expanded delivery to seniors through our Meals on Wheels program. These efforts led to, a resource that uses GIS technology and community partnerships to map out food distribution sites and food banks throughout the County.

Public Health is one of the four key components of our Liveable Frederick Master Plan and is essential in helping us realize our shared vision for 2040: Frederick County is a vibrant and unique community where people live, work, and thrive while enjoying a strong sense of place and belonging. We must keep public health at the forefront of our decision-making, not only as we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, but beyond.

These and many other issues affecting the well-being of Frederick County residents will be on the agenda of the County Council in the months ahead. Please contact me any time at if I can ever be of assistance.