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From the Desk of Sheriff Chuck Jenkins

(11/2022) I’ve had the honor of serving as your Sheriff, "The People’s Sheriff", for 16 years and now seek a 5th term as your Sheriff. I decided to run for re-election because I do care about the people and the future of Frederick County. My commitment has always been to serve and protect ALL citizens of this county to the best of my ability. My record and the accomplishments of the Sheriff’s Office demonstrate that I have delivered on everything I said I would do, having kept every promise I’ve made for the betterment of this county. I stand for law and order.

The most important thing I’ve learned is that a Sheriff is closer to the people than any other elected office. I know I’ve been more accessible to the public than any other elected official and my community involvement and presence proves that. During my 32 plus years with the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office (16 years as Sheriff) we’ve grown into a professional, well trained, full-service law enforcement and corrections agency. I have an outstanding team of men and women serving this county with great leaders in my commanders.

For eight straight years, Frederick County has enjoyed reductions in serious and violent crime with crime rates of less than one-half of the national average. The School Resource Officer Program has been recognized across Maryland as a strong model program. This agency has been heavily focused on battling the deadly heroin and fentanyl crisis that is destroying this nation and has killed Frederick County citizens for over a decade. While making major arrests and large seizures of illegal drugs we have dismantled major drug organizations and criminal gangs.

In my view the Sheriff’s election may be the most important race in the local election. If people can’t feel safe and aren’t safe where they live, work, and send their kids to school, nothing else can be good. We have NOT experienced skyrocketing crime and murder rates like many other nearby jurisdictions. Violent crime rates are at all- time highs everywhere except right here.

I take crime and your personal safety seriously. When the BOE discussed removing my deputies from the schools, I didn’t pull them out and wait for a tragedy to occur to put them back. I made it very clear; the deputies are in schools to stay.

Through our 14-year partnership with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the jail based 287g Program is responsible for 1627 criminals being detained and deported by ICE including 115 identified criminal gang members, mostly MS13. I’ve fought hard for years to keep this county from becoming a sanctuary county for criminals. This county needs a Sheriff who is not afraid and has the will to stand up against crime, because you deserve protection from those threats and to not be a victim.

I’ve always managed the agency with a common-sense approach to law enforcement, while being fiscally responsible to the taxpayer by returning over $35 million in ICE reimbursements and annual budget surpluses back to county government.

Be very concerned about my opponent! Karl Bickel represents the party that has allowed cities to riot and burn, innocent citizens to be victims of violence, and has not backed law enforcement. The jail based 287g Program, one of the most effective and longest running partnerships in the country would be terminated. He has said that. My opponent favors the release of criminals from jails back onto our streets, and decriminalization of illegal drugs. The School Resource Officer program would be dismantled removing armed deputies from Frederick County Public Schools, leaving schools unprotected.

From his keyboard, he supports Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Rise Coalition of Western Maryland, and Casa de Maryland, all opposition groups against the enforcement of any laws. My opponent will not stand for law and order and would not be concerned about your rights, liberties, or safety.

Bickel has not been involved in law enforcement or corrections in almost 30 years, since being fired from this agency in 1994. There are no ideas for the betterment of this county or your protection. He is not involved in the community and has no idea about the role of the Sheriff in this county. He is unconnected and his entire campaign is to attack me personally from the sidelines and lie. When you can’t criticize performance or positive measurable results, attack the person. Attacking success can’t win the election for Sheriff.

Going forward, I will continue the effective proactive enforcement strategies and priorities that have been successful to keep criminals off the streets to protect you. The School Resource Deputies will stay in our schools.

The 287g Program will remain in place and will become even more critical very soon. I will continue to effectively combat and intercept the fentanyl and heroin coming into this county, and support addiction recovery efforts. Also, there will be a Sheriff’s Office district station built in the southeastern portion of the county to better serve and respond to those parts of the county.

You know my record, agency accomplishments, my priorities that have had tangible results, and level of dedication. I’m ready to continue that 100% commitment with all my energy, determination, and strength to keep this county as safe as possible. Vote Chuck Jenkins for Sheriff on November 8th and sleep well at night.