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Youth soccer league proposed

(5/10) Proponents of establishing a youth soccer league in Emmitsburg pitched the plan at the May 6th Town Council meeting.

Resident soccer coach Andy Crone noted even with the amazing small-town feel, events and history appeal in Emmitsburg, "the one thing we always felt was missing was a sports program that was actually offered here in the town," he said.

The league looks to mutually benefit the town by providing venues for young athletes and get publicity for local businesses representing their support, "It all coincides and feeds into each other, sports programs bring a sense of community to residents whether they have children or not," he said.

"I think having your town name branded on a sports team brings a different sense of pride and ownership for people that live here," Crone said.

Jesse Inzer, of Rocky Ridge, noted the distance that many young athletes have to go because there are no opportunities in the area.

The long-term vision is establishing the rec league from pre-soccer players all the way to U14 and eventually design an elite travel club that feeds the funds back in and creates a free program for anyone interested in playing, according to Crone.

The league leaders currently have their eyes set on the field located near the town hall adjoining the Elementary school and are in the process of soliciting permission from the County School Board to use the field.

Coach Carlos Valerio said, "Our goal is to provide an outlet for the community youth…This sport will happen, we just need a place to make it happen."

While there is considerable work going forward needed for fundraising and sponsorship, the coaches look to have the league established in time for the fall season. "At the end of the day it’s about offering these kids an opportunity and getting this going," Crone said.

Mayor Frank Davis noted he met previously with the coaches looking to kick off the program and said, "it is one of the best laid out plans that I’ve ever had the opportunity to see."

As liaison to the Parks and Recreation Committee, Commissioner Tim O’Donnell encouraged the coaches to share their message at upcoming meetings.

"I think it is very exciting to get more activities in town for our youth," said Commissioner Amy Pollitt.

"I think it will be a great benefit to the town," Davis said.

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