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County News Briefs

(10/2018) Gardner Announces $70 Million in taxpayer savings

Changes made during the past four years have saved taxpayers close to $70 million, according to Frederick County Executive Jan Gardner. The savings come primarily from three key initiatives: ending privatization that cost taxpayers more, achieving the trifecta of AAA bond ratings that brought better interest rates and saved taxpayers millions, and renegotiating agreements to give taxpayers a better deal. Renegotiating the Oakdale-Lake Linganore agreement for an interchange on Interstate 70 at Meadow Road saves county taxpayers $48 million.

"Protecting taxpayers and saving money is job #1," said Executive Gardner. "These savings make life better for people by providing for needed schools, public safety, roads, libraries and parks, while we continue to hold the line on taxes."

When Executive Gardner entered office, many customary county services, such as tree trimming and mowing along roadways, were contracted out to private businesses. Ending privatization saved more than $2.2 million. For example, an in-house renovation crew can remodel county space for about $45 per square foot less than a contractor can do the work.

Due to the county’s AAA rating from all three bond rating agencies, taxpayers have saved $13 million, primarily from refinancing county debt to lower interest rates.

The biggest savings to the county have been through renegotiated agreements. Retaining Citizens and Montevue saved taxpayers $7.5 million because these new state-of-the-art facilities were going to be sold for less than the county owed on the mortgage. As Executive Gardner promised taxpayers, the operation of these facilities has proven to be self-sustaining. Most importantly, the county is once again taking care of seniors.

A full list of the savings can be found at

Septic pump-out rebate to continue

Frederick County’s Office of Sustainability and Environmental Resources launched the FY18 Septic Rebate program on April 5, and it has proven to be very successful with over 150 approved applicants within three months after the launch. The program’s early success would not have been possible without county outreach efforts along with the support of the permitted septic haulers and the farm bureau, all working together to promote the program.

The FY19 Septic Pump-Out Rebate Program will again target homeowners with a septic system by offering the $75 rebate every five years. Rebates will be available for homeowners who have their septic systems pumped-out, beginning in 2018. The offer will continue until funds are no longer available.

A properly maintained septic system benefits property owners in several ways and will be less likely to break down and require costly repairs. Maintaining a septic system protects the home investment. When selling a home, the septic system must be in good working order. Maintaining a septic system also protects the groundwater and the drinking water supply.

Learn more about the Pump-Out Rebate Program or download an application at or contact Linda Williamson at 301-600-1741 or

Holiday Gift Project at Social Services:

Cold weather and the holidays are right around the corner. There are many Frederick County residents who would not be able to celebrate the holidays without the assistance of their neighbors and community. Once again, the Frederick County Department of Social Services is sponsoring their annual 2018 Holiday Gift Project.

Over the years, many offices, groups, families, and individuals have volunteered to help spread holiday joy by participating in this program. Last year, thanks to generous donations from community donors and sponsors, the Frederick Department of Social Services was able to support over 550 children, families, home bound senior citizens and vulnerable adults. We anticipate the need to be even greater this year.

Those who volunteer to sponsor are provided an information sheet about the family or person(s) they are helping. Then gifts are purchased, wrapped, and brought to the Department on designated delivery dates. Workers will then distribute the gifts to their clients. All donations are greatly appreciated!

The Frederick County DSS Holiday Gift Project not only warms the hearts of those in need, but the hearts of those who donate as well. If you, your family, or group would like to participate in this year’s holiday gift drive, please contact Kimberly Scritchfield-Miller via email: or by calling 301-600-4536 by October 26.

Gardner Moves Forward with Veterans Advisory Council

The creation of a new Frederick County Veterans Advisory Council moved forward today with County Executive Jan Gardner’s announcement that she has submitted a list of nominees to the County Council for confirmation. The advisory group will include members of veterans, military, health, education and related organizations.

"The men and women who served our nation are heroes. We honor their sacrifice and service by supporting them in our community," said Executive Gardner. "The Veterans Advisory Council will ensure that Frederick County’s 17,000 veterans will receive all the resources they need."

The Veterans Advisory Council will serve as a conduit for information and resources for veterans and their families who need assistance furthering their education, finding employment, receiving counseling or finding other services.

The advisory group will work in collaboration with established veteran-oriented service organizations, other county boards and commissions and county staff. It will also consider policies, programs and concerns, and advise the County Executive and the County Council on the needs of Frederick County veterans.

Executive Gardner solicited letters of interest from people who wanted to serve on the council and received many qualified applications. Names will be announced when they are confirmed by the County Council.

The advisory council will be comprised of seven voting members and seven non-voting members. Voting members of the Veterans Advisory Council will include: four county residents who served in the military, as well as representatives of veteran’s organizations and a local institution of higher education.

Non-voting members will include representatives from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Frederick County Workforce Services, the Frederick County Health Department’s Behavioral Health Services Division, a veteran liaison from the Frederick Regional Health System, a member of the County Council, a member of the county’s Delegation to Annapolis and a representative from the office of a member of Congress who represents Frederick County.

Executive Gardner thanked County Council President Bud Otis, Vice President MC Keegan-Ayer, and the council members who worked on this and similar legislation to establish the Frederick County Veterans Advisory Council.

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