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County News Briefs

(5/2018) Septic Pump-Out Rebate Program

Frederick County’s Office of Sustainability and Environmental Resources (OSER) is launching the 2018 Septic Pump-Out Rebate Program to encourage property owners to have their septic systems pumped out every five years. Regular pumping of septic systems every five years maintains the effectiveness and longevity of systems and reduces nutrient leaching over time.

"Frederick County is excited about implementing this new program," said County Executive Jan Gardner. "It is important to inform our residents about the things they can do at home to protect water quality. This rebate will provide incentive to do so while also saving them money on pump-out services and system maintenance."

The Septic Pump-Out Rebate Program targets all homeowners with a septic system and offers a $75 rebate every five years.

Rebates will be available for approximately 330 homeowners who pump-out their septic systems between January 1 and June 30. The offer will continue until funds are no longer available.

A properly maintained septic system benefits property owners in several ways and will be less likely to break down and require costly repairs. Maintaining your septic system protects your home investment—when selling your home, your septic system must be in good working order. Maintaining your septic system also protects the groundwater and your drinking water supply.

To learn more about the Septic Pump-Out Rebate Program or to download an application, visit or contact Linda Williamson at 301-600-1741 or via e-mail at

Housing Fair

The Frederick County Department of Housing & Community Development and the Frederick Affordable Housing Council will hold a Housing Fair from 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. on June 16 to provide opportunities for community partners who produce and preserve affordable housing, provide community services and spur development in underserved communities to highlight the work they do and provide resources to the community.

The Housing Fair will be held at the ARC of Frederick County, 555 South Market Street, Frederick.

Classes and workshops for citizens will be held through the day covering topics such as: mortgage & down payment assistance programs, home repair 101, rental assistance programs and much more.

For more information, contact Administrative Coordinator Pat Fleet, Citizens Services Division, at 301-600-1063 or via e-mail at or Also, visit

2018 Sustainability Award Winners

Frederick County elected officials, Office of Sustainability and Environmental Recourses staff and members of the Sustainability Commission recognized the Frederick County 2018 Sustainability Award Winners and Nominees at the 7th Annual Green Homes Challenge Recognition Event

These award winners were selected by the Sustainability Commission for outstanding contributions to sustainability by individuals and organizations. County Executive Jan Gardner and Sustainability Commission Chair Ron Kaltenbaugh presented the Organizational Sustainability Award to nonprofit Stream-Link Education and the Individual Sustainability Award to Ron Holter of Holterholm Farms.

For 16 years, Stream-Link Education has been led by Executive Director John Smucker, who is also a Carroll County Public School teacher. This nonprofit organization plants native trees in Frederick County to create riparian buffers and improve water quality in tributaries to the Monocacy and Potomac Rivers and the Chesapeake Bay. In the last three years alone, Stream-Link has engaged 1,000 community volunteers and planted 9,000 trees on 30 acres. By 2020, they will plant an additional 30 acres. During every planting, Smucker, along with Program Director Lisa Baird, teaches volunteers how to plant trees and explains why creating riparian forests are good for waterways and the watershed.

Sustainability Award nominees in the Organization category included Ecologia, whose focus is on low-impact design and watershed ecology; the Palmer Animal Hospital, who went beyond their core animal care mission and installed a 150 panel solar array that will provide almost 100% of their electrical needs, and The Sweet Farm, a small farm and food vendor that incorporates sustainability into everything they do.

Dr. Drew Ferrier, director of Hood College's Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies, was nominated in the Individual category for his work on numerous diverse projects to expand sustainability in Frederick County, including STEM training for Frederick County teachers. The Frederick County Sustainability Commission represents the natural environment's critical relevance in making community decisions that will sustain for all time a healthy, abundant, affordable, and inspiring place to live and work.

For more information about the Sustainability Commission, visit

Kevin Fox Appointed Director of Fire and Rescue Services

Frederick County Executive Jan Gardner is pleased announce the appointment of Kevin Fox as Deputy Fire Chief and Director of the Division of Fire and Rescue Services. The County Council confirmed Fox’s appointment today.

As director of Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services, Fox will support the work of, and coordinate with, Frederick County’s volunteer fire and rescue companies. Fox has served as acting director since December 2017, when Clarence "Chip" Jewell retired. Fox was selected through an open recruitment process.

Candidates were screened by a panel of both county staff and representatives of the Frederick County Volunteer Fire and Rescue Association Executive Committee.

Fox has extensive knowledge of both the career and volunteer sides of emergency services. He has volunteered as an EMT and firefighter for more than 30 years, serving in numerous leadership positions, including as past president of the Thurmont Community Ambulance Service and vice president of Guardian Hose. Fox has worked for Frederick County Government since 1990, first as an emergency communications dispatcher, and then, in 1999, as a firefighter with the Division of Fire and Rescue Services. For the past four years, Fox has been the division’s spokesperson. In 2015, he was promoted to battalion chief. Fox also teaches part time for the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute.

Community Partnership Grants

On April 19th, Frederick County Executive Jan Gardner announced 23 awards through the county’s Community Partnership Grant program for fiscal year 2019. She thanked the human service nonprofit agencies that help others reach their potential, and pointed out the impact that the partnerships create. Grants will provide emergency shelter and life-saving prescription medicines to those in crisis, life skills training, dental care for seniors and others who cannot afford these services, shelter for high-risk victims of domestic violence, and food for children, among other services.

"These grants make a significant difference to people in our community. They allow us to leverage our efforts so we can make a bigger difference with our human services nonprofit partners, and they go a long way toward making sure that everyone can benefit from our community’s prosperity," said Executive Gardner.

Executive Gardner launched the Community Partnership Grants program three years ago to restore the county’s longstanding partnership with human service nonprofit agencies. The program leverages county resources, avoids duplication of effort and establishes a strong functional collaboration to meet the human service needs in the community. Working together with the community, the county saves tax dollars through early intervention and prevention.

Of the 41 competitive applications received for the grants, an independent panel selected grantees to meet needs in one of three categories – housing, seniors and community needs. Twenty-one Frederick County nonprofits were awarded a total of 23 grants. Funds could be used for one-time purchases, ongoing programs, or both. For a complete listing of the awards and more information, visit

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