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Frederick County 2020 Census
Self-Response Rate hits 75.5 Percent

(8/12) Frederick County reached a 75.5% self-response rate for the 2020 Census and surpassed its final 2010 Census self-response rate of 75%. Frederick County currently ranks fourth out of the 19 counties in the state behind Carroll, Howard and Harford and 107th out of 3,215 U.S. counties. Overall, Maryland has a 67.6% response rate and the nation has a 63.4% response rate.

Upon hearing that that the county reached this milestone, Frederick County Executive Jan Gardner sent congratulations. “A big shout-out and thanks to everyone who has already completed the census. Let’s get counted and lead the way in Maryland.”

With only 50 days remaining for 2020 Census self-response, Executive Gardner encouraged the community. “Make a difference and help shape a bright future for Frederick County by being counted! It’s quick, easy and all the information collected is secure.”

Recently, the U.S. Census Bureau adjusted its 2020 operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, said Ms. Eileen Mitchell, Frederick County Census Coordinator. The final date for self-response is September 30. Census field operations resumed this month and census workers are knocking on doors of those who have not responded. Census enumerators are visiting sites, such as food pick-ups, and safely collecting the data from those in attendance. That work will also complete by September 30.

In July 2019, Executive Gardner initiated an outreach effort to reach the entire population of Frederick County to communicate the importance of completing the Census. The effort also narrowed its focus on the historically undercounted populations, such as seniors, children under five, immigrants, non-English speakers, and low-income families.

“Every ten years, there is an official census and the population count determines our share of federal funding to support things like food for our seniors, public transit and transportation, housing, and so much more,” she said. Vaccine distribution is also determined based on the results of the census response.

The county’s initial outreach included the formation of a Complete Count Committee. The committee is comprised of approximately 60 partners from businesses, non-profits, the faith community, and government officials. The United Way of Frederick County is a key community partner. As “trusted voices,” committee members communicate the importance of completing the census to the undercounted populations.

Malcom Furgol, Director of Community Impact with the United Way of Frederick County, said, “As a partner with Frederick County government on the 2020 Census, we are excited that we achieved this milestone. An enhanced count for our county means more resources and support for the many households impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are committed to continuing our efforts to reach underrepresented communities and make sure every ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) household is counted.”

For each person counted in the 2020 Census, the County receives $1,800 or $18,000 over the 10 years until the next census. After the 2010 Census, the county missed out on approximately $11 million due to the people who did not fill the census out or did not list everyone living in their household, including children and renters.

“We’ve worked hard at the Frederick County Chamber to increase awareness about the importance of a complete count throughout our business and nonprofit community,” said Rick Weldon, committee member and president/CEO of the Frederick County Chamber of Commerce. “I’m so proud that they’ve answered the call!”

The Committee will continue its outreach until the end of the Census self-response period because there are still areas within the county where the response is low, according to Ms. Mitchell. One of these areas is within the City of Frederick and surrounds the “Golden Mile” along West Patrick Street. Census data show there are many rentals in this area, Ms. Mitchell said the census outreach by non-profits that operate in this area, such as the Golden Mile Alliance, Asian American Center of Frederick, the Spanish Speaking Community of Maryland, and Centro Hispano de Frederick, was and will remain critical to increasing the number of responses from this area.

“We worked diligently on educating the Hispanic Community on the importance, personal responsibility and community impact of completing the census,” said Ms. Maria Herrera, with the Spanish Speaking Community of Maryland. “I am extremely proud of the outcome and efforts set forth by our families towards this goal.”

To participate in the census, go to or call 844-330-2020. For more information, contact Eileen Mitchell, 301-600-2020, or Malcolm Furgol, 240-447-3956

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