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From the Desk of School Board
 Candidate Sue Johnson

(10/30) I am passionate about public education, a proven leader, an experienced professor (23 years at Frederick Community College), and a parent of an FCPS elementary student. My guiding principles as a professional and community member, which I hope to bring to the Board, include a strong work ethic, accountability, clear communication, and transparency.

My overall vision is excellence in public education for all students. I respect and celebrate the uniqueness and individuality of our FCPS students, teachers, staff members, and administrators. I believe in recruiting and retaining high quality and effective employees. I value the experiences of those in the trenches working at FCPS and the families whose children attend our schools. Their input is vital in decision making.

I also care deeply about the people of Frederick County. I have been a volunteer firefighter, EMT, and Swiftwater Rescue Technician for over a decade with two fire companies in the County, and, with my family, am active in the Jefferson Ruritan Club.

The most immediate issue of interest to our County’s citizens is the reopening of schools. As an educator myself, I understand the incredible demands placed on our talented teachers during this time. As a parent, I understand the challenges of supervising children who are distance learning. Our families and our teachers are exhausted. Everyone is working hard and doing their best, but we need to plan for the next stage, and we must involve the teachers and families impacted by these decisions in the process of developing such a plan.

As a member of the Board of Directors of the Brunswick Little League and the League Safety Officer, I helped write the League's Return to Play Plan for COVID-19 which successfully allowed our young athletes to return to the field in a safe manner. If elected to the Board of Education, I will take that same effort, desire and grit to safely get kids on community sports fields and apply it toward getting our FCPS students back into classrooms, sports fields, and extra-curricular activities.

Our teachers should be applauded for their incredible efforts to provide virtual education for our students. I have been involved in distance learning for over two decades. I know from experience that doing distance learning well is no easy feat; everyone needs to understand that and recognize the work that our teachers, administrators, and support staff have done to get to this point. It will take hard work, open communication, and research to return our students to classrooms. I am ready to help be part of that solution.

Recently, a few voters have asked whether I have endorsements. I do have an impressive list that includes six elected officials currently in office in Frederick County and in our state legislature. My list includes numerous former office holders including Frederick County Commissioners, state legislators, and members of the Frederick County Board of Education. Beyond elected positions, my list includes directors of the Great Frederick Fair, Frederick County Farm Bureau, and Frederick County Agricultural Society as well as prominent business owners across the county. These individuals represent the spectrum of political views. Those endorsements are great, don’t get me wrong, but it is time for the citizens of Frederick County to speak. You are what is most important! Do your research and vote! Now, more than ever, we need strong leaders who have the skills and knowledge to chart the course of public education in Frederick County and I hope to represent you by earning your vote on November 3.

Read Sue's October article

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