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County News Briefs

(1/2021) Application Opens for Rural Historic Preservation Grant Program

Owners of historic properties located in unincorporated areas of Frederick County may now apply for the Rural Historic Preservation Grant Program. County Executive Jan Gardner recently announced the Rural Historic Preservation Grant Program to support the rehabilitation and stabilization of rural historic properties.

"The goal of this grant is to leave a legacy for future generations of a vibrant agricultural community and to preserve our rich history," Executive Gardner said.

Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis. Applicants may request up to $50,000. Grant funds can be used for expenses associated with exterior work to stabilize, rehabilitate, restore, or preserve historic buildings. Grants will not be awarded for completed work, work that is already underway, new construction, landscaping, or projects that do not meet the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties.

To be eligible, properties must be located in unincorporated areas of Frederick County; be either designated on the County Register of Historic Places or the National Register, or a contributing resource in a County or Nationally designated Historic District; and be in good standing with the County. If the property or district is currently not designated to the County Register of Historic Places, a determination of eligibility must be made by the Historic Preservation Commission prior to applying for the grant. This letter of determination must be included with the application.

To apply or for additional information, visit Applications will be accepted until 5 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 26. Questions about the grant program can be emailed to Amanda Whitmore, Historic Preservation Planner at

Mobilize Frederick Focuses On Youth

Mobilize Frederick, formally known as the Climate Emergency Mobilization Workgroup (CEMWG), is reaching out to Frederick residents including the youth of our community, to explore issues, ideas, and potential solutions to address our changing climate.

Since the group was formed in September 2020, numerous volunteers, recognizing the importance of CEMWG’s charge, have generously offered their assistance. Mobilize Frederick is particularly thrilled that eight university students have stepped forward offering their time and talent. They come from the University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University. Five have volunteered their time to support the Public Awareness and Outreach (PAO) Subgroup and three have offered their time to assist the Health and Extreme Weather Adaptation and Resilience (HWR) Subgroup.

"We are enormously grateful to our university students" says Sonia Demiray, co-chair of Public Awareness and Outreach. "They bring enthusiasm, energy, passion, and a fresh perspective to our efforts to create equitable recommendations for the City and County. The younger generation is very aware of climate change. They are witnessing the effects of increasingly extreme weather patterns and must lead the way in adopting our group’s recommendations to minimize the impact of a changing climate."

Mobilize Frederick continues to encourage all residents who are passionate about Frederick’s future to provide their perspectives on various issues, including energy, agriculture, construction, health, weather, transportation, and others, in our "We Hear You" forum or by answering quick surveys on the website. We are integrating the voices and opinions from residents across the County in our planning in order to improve any future recommendations. For more information about Mobilize Frederick, the Climate Emergency Mobilization Workgroup, please visit

The Climate Emergency Mobilization Workgroup is a body of volunteer experts authorized by resolution No. 20-22 of Frederick County and No. 20-07 of the City of Frederick.

Office of Highway Operations Prepared for Winter Conditions

As the COVID-19 pandemic persists, the Division of Public Works’ (DPW) Office of Highway Operations (OHO) has been planning how staff will manage winter operations, comply with social distancing requirements, and ensure the service level that citizens expect from Frederick County. Whenever possible, OHO will implement operational changes to meet current COVID-19 protocols.

So that it may operate safely, however, some modifications to past practices and exemptions to the County’s current COVID protocols shall be necessary. OHO is prepared to keep roads cleared, but it may take longer to treat all roads to the standards of past years. Our top priorities are drivers’ safety and accessibility to Frederick County’s 2,652 miles (1,326 miles centerline) of roadway.

OHO’s winter preparations began in October with its annual Snow Road-eo training that sharpens equipment operators’ skills and prepares them for the challenges of inclement weather. OHO is ready to treat County roads with its 95 pieces of snow and ice equipment, a stockpile of 24,000 tons of salt, and the 79,000 gallons of liquid salt brine that OHO produced in-house at a substantial cost savings. Salt brine is a water solution of 23% salt that OHO sprays pre-storm, if conditions warrant. It prevents snow from bonding to pavement, reduces the overall amount of material needed to treat County roads, and aids overall snow removal operations.

Storm water maintenance is also a key component of OHO’s winter preparations. Clearing debris from roadside drainage and culverts keeps pollutants out of waterways and minimizes ponding, which enhances safety and prolongs road integrity.

OHO has approximately 102 permanent road maintenance staff who clear winter roads. As storms approach, they closely monitor professional meteorological forecasts. During major winter storms, 16 contractors, with 43 pieces of snow removal equipment and various types of larger equipment on standby, assist OHO staff in around-the-clock maintenance of the County’s extensive roadway infrastructure.

Website Helps People Find Food Distribution Locations

People in need of food can locate nearby distribution sites on a new online mapping application, Frederick County Executive Jan Gardner announced today. Developed in partnership with numerous community organizations, the mobile-friendly tool allows users to find food distribution sites all across Frederick County. It provides detailed information about more than 80 locations, including hours of operation, directions, and more. The map can be found at

"We are blessed to live in a caring community, with people who are willing to step up to offer help to others in need," Executive Gardner said. "This new online tool makes it easier for people to find the resources they need."

The Food Resource Map was developed by Frederick County Government Geographic Information Systems staff and the Division of Emergency Management, in partnership with several agencies and non-profits. They include: Frederick County Public Schools; City of Frederick Department of Housing and Human Services; the Ausherman Foundation; The Community Foundation of Frederick County; Blessings in a Backpack/Frederick Chapter; Maryland 2-1-1 of Frederick; the Frederick Rescue Mission; and numerous organizations that provide food banks and pop-up food distribution sites across Frederick County.

Anyone interested in adding a food distribution event to the site should contact the Frederick Rescue Mission’s food coordinator, Valerie Moore, at 301-695-6633 or

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