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Veterans Memorial to receive a facelift

(6/23) Efforts are underway to upgrade the current Veterans Memorial at Memorial Park to increase recognition of the sacrifice of local veterans. The Memorial was originally built in 1953 and was inscribed with the following dedication: "Dedicated to the honor of the men and women of Taneytown who served in the armed forces of the United States of America in all wars."

The Memorial is made of brick and was updated a few years ago with fresh paint and grouting. Staff also removed overgrown trees where the roots were damaging the Memorial’s brick walkway.

The suggestion to upgrade was supported by Council members but had Mayor Pro Tem James McCarron asking, "What are we going to do that we are not already doing?"

Councilwoman Judith Fuller added that she has already spoken with the Director of Parks & Recreation, Lorena Vaccare, about the Memorial. They came up with an idea to add two sidewalks leading to two additional brick walls, like what is currently standing at the Memorial. The walls would give a "blank canvas" for residents to purchase commemorative plaques to honor survivors.

Councilman Christopher Tillman’s suggestion was to replace the original plain brick walkway with memorial bricks that would lead to a small garden. The bricks purchased via donation allow the donor to commemorate loved ones who have passed. The City can also use the proceeds to help fund the garden.

However, the cost would be the biggest hurdle in upgrading the Memorial. "We are scraping the bottom of the barrel for funding parks’ projects right now," said City Manager Jim Wieprecht. He stated the City already has a very aggressive Capital Improvement Program that is heavy with Parks funding for projects like the Memorial Park expansion and the splash pad. Fuller added that the estimated sum of $45,000 may be needed to build the additional pieces for the upgrade. However, she was adamant that Vaccare was looking into grants, donations, and other ways to get the money that would be needed.

Mayor Christopher Miller asked Wieprecht to make sure City staff will be involving local veterans organizations such as the American Legion or the VFW to aid in the search for funding and design since they typically would have some experience in erecting memorials.

With Council approval, Town staff will search for partners in the design and funding of the upgrade to the Memorial.

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