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Council considers 15% water & sewer
 rate increase

(6/20) The Town Council discussed a 15% increase in water and sewer rates for residents at the last meeting. While no action was taken, the mayor and commissioners will take public comment on the issue at the Aug. 6 meeting.

According to Town Manager Jim Humerick, the increase will cover daily operations, not including special projects. The Board did not decide when the ordinance would take effect, but did discuss the possibility of the potential new rates to be included in the October bill. For this to happen, the ordinance would need to be approved during the first quarter of the fiscal year. The effect date will be decided at the Aug. 6 meeting as well, after public comment.

Mayor John Kinnaird asked that information and the rate comparisons be posted to the Town website two weeks before the public hearing, to which the remaining board members agreed. All were concerned about giving residents enough notice before rates increased.

In Town water rates are currently $6.65 per 1,000 gallons plus a $10 base fee and out of town rates are $9.98 per 1,000 gallons plus a $15 base fee. If the 15% increase goes through, these rates could change to $7.65 per 1,000 gallons with a $11.50 base fee and $11.48 per 1,000 gallons with a $17.25 base fee, respectively.

Sewer rates would remain on a tiered system based on usage. "We have talked about looking at a tiered rate for water, but we’re not to that point yet and we’ll have to revisit that at some point in the future," Humerick said. In town sewer rates for up to 3,000 gallons would cost $69, a $9 increase.

The new tier costs for in town sewer rates include:

  • • 3,001-8,000 gallons: $10.35/1,000 gallons – (currently $9)
  • • 8,001-13,000 gallons: $10.65/1,000 gallons - (currently $9.25)
  • • 13,001-18,000 gallons: $10.95/1,000 gallons – (currently $9.50)
  • • 18,001-23,000 gallons: $11.25/1,000 gallons – (currently $9.75)
  • • 23,001+ gallons: $11.50/1,000 gallons – (currently $10)

The out-of-town sewer rates continue at a 50% premium. The current rate for up to 3,000 gallons is $90, but will be $103.50 if the ordinance is passed. The following tiers could be:

  • • 3,001-8,000 gallons: $15.55/1,000 gallons – (currently $13.50 per)
  • • 8,001-13,000 gallons: $16/1,000 gallons – (currently $13.88)
  • • 13,001-18,000 gallons: $16.40/1,000 gallons – (currently $14.25)
  • • 18,001-23,000 gallons: $16.85/1,000 gallons – (currently $14.63)
  • • 23,001+ gallons: $17.25/1,000 gallons – (currently $15)

The numbers are now rounded, thanks to a request by Commissioner Marty Burns "just to make calculations easier." He mentioned it would be an "insignificant" difference to residents, to which the remaining Council members agreed. "It might make it easier for customer calculation, too," Chief Financial Officer Linda Joyce said.

Kinnaird explained that the sewer, or wastewater, rate is based on a household’s water consumption. Humerick added that, for the few residents who don’t have town water, their sewer usage is determined by a meter in their wells.

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