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November Woodsboro News-Briefs

Shannon Amos

(10/30) Woodsboro Denies Wynbury HOA Request To Transfer Sediment Pond Maintenance Responsibility

At the October 12th town council meeting, a member of the Wynbury County Homeowners’ Association asked if the town would be willing to take over maintenance responsibilities for the sediment pond in the development. The homeowners’ association offered the Town the deed for the land where the pond is located but the offer was refused due to long-term viability.

The sediment pond collects runoff rainwater from the streets of the community and allows it to filter down in the aquifer. According to the representative in the meeting, the Wynbury County Homeowners’ Association is the only active HOA in Woodsboro and they currently pay insurance on the pond to cover the cost of any required maintenance.

The representative also expressed concern over why the homeowners were responsible for sidewalk maintenance, asking, "shouldn’t the town be doing that?" Town Council members cited the town code which states that "maintenance of sidewalks are the responsibility of the homeowners" all throughout town, not just in the representative’s development. Councilmembers raised concern about the ability to maintain sidewalks without raising taxes to cover the expenses. Burgess Barnes noted that Woodsboro currently has the second-lowest tax rate of any incorporated community in Frederick County.

The Town Council suggested the homeowners’ association reach out to the County Environmental Office that is actively seeking to take control of local Sediment Ponds. Council members noted that the County would likely consider ownership of the pond. If this transfer of responsibility occurs, it would include the responsibility of covering insurance on the pond.

Woodsboro to receive funds from the American Rescue Plan Act

The Town has been notified that they will be receiving $473,000 from the American Rescue Plan Act. Topics chosen by the town council as allowable usages for the money include investing in the local water, sewer, and other broadband infrastructure. Another option presented includes replacing street storm drains in town.

Town staff has been advised to come up with a list of priorities to present to the Town Council that will be voted on at a later date. As noted at the meeting, allowable usages should support public health expenditures and target areas with room for improvement within the town.

Although an exciting topic of discussion, currently no decisions have been made about how the money will be spent. The Town has until 2024 to spend the money, giving ample time to the council to plan where to allocate the funds.

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