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Four Years at the Mount

Freshman year

Goals for 2024

Gracie Smith
MSMU Class of 2027

(1/2024) As 2023 comes to an end, I can not believe that I have accomplished all that I have. I graduated from high school as the President of the National Honor Society. I started college at the Mount as a part of the University Honors Program. I began writing for the paper you’re currently reading. I have made lasting friendships and connections at school. I have taken opportunities I would have never taken before. In 2023, I have grown so much as an individual, and cannot wait to see what I accomplish in 2024.

As the New Year approaches, I have considered several things I would like to improve on in 2024. One thing is my individuality. I want to be more open and honest with myself about what I like, rather than trying to please everyone else. I have noticed that in 2023, I started doing this, especially in college since I had no one to please but myself. From this, I have made amazing friends and made so many memories. In 2024 I hope to continue this and to not deny myself the things that I like including my interests, hobbies, and style.

Another thing I would like to improve on is my relationships. I have made so many friends that are very important to me. In 2024, I hope to do more things with them and make more memories. A New Year means new opportunities, and I plan on taking advantage of all the opportunities I can to have fun with my friends and have a fulfilling college experience.

Continuing with maintaining good habits, I hope to do well in my next semester's classes. As of right now, I have over 20 textbooks I get to read next semester, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous. However, as nervous as I may be, I am very excited to see what my professors are going to teach me, and what all 20 textbooks have to offer. As someone who loves to learn, I am very excited for the next semester, and I am very excited about the courses I am taking.

In late 2024, I will be tested to become a certified Gettysburg Battlefield Guide. I have been preparing for about 4 months now, and with another year under my belt, I am praying that I pass the certification exam. As a history major, I am very excited about this job opportunity and cannot wait to be a guide. Since I live so close to Gettysburg, I am there very often. It’s even better that the Mount is roughly 15 minutes away as well, so I can be a guide and continue my education at the same time. With help from my middle school history teacher, I hope that I can juggle my schoolwork and my books in preparation for being a Battlefield Guide.

With that being said, I will be juggling three jobs by the end of 2024. I pray that I am able to build up my work ethic and time management skills throughout the New Year in order to prepare myself. I will continue my job at Giant as a pharmacy technician, write for the newspaper, and, hopefully, be a Gettysburg Battlefield Guide. I am looking forward to the future that lies ahead of me; I just hope that throughout the New Year, I can accomplish everything I need to so that I can juggle three jobs and prepare for my greater future.

Digressing from maintaining my good habits into the New Year, I hope to establish some new habits. To start, I hope to work on saving my money a bit better and creating a stricter budget. As a freshman in college, I learned very quickly that I cannot spend my money how I used to as a senior in high school. I have had to cut my hours at Giant so that I am not overloaded with work and schoolwork. With that, I also need to cut my spending. As prices continue to increase, my bank account is constantly decreasing.

Self-care is something I have always tried to do, however, in 2024 I plan to take it a little more seriously. I don’t mean spending more money on myself, I cannot do that, I mean taking more time to do the things I enjoy and taking better care of my body. Looking over my next semester’s agenda, I realized that I am going to be very busy. With that being said, I need to dedicate time to do the things I enjoy. Things such as going for walks, reading books, cleaning my dorm room, watching movies, playing video games, and of course, sleeping.

In addition to dedicating time to myself, I need to take better care of my body. As much as I want to believe it, I can’t live off ramen noodles, cosmic brownies, and sweet tea. In this last semester of college, I noticed that my eating habits had become very unhealthy. Not only was I eating hardly at all, but when I did it was very unhealthy food. Now that I am acclimated at school, I intend to start eating 3 meals a day and drinking water more frequently.

While my intentions for 2024 are not what everyone might expect, they are things that I am striving to achieve. I hope that with diligence, self-discipline, and support from my family and friends, I am able to reach these goals and further grow as a young woman. Having goals not only sets us up for success, but allows us to try new things for the betterment of ourselves. It is important to prioritize the things you are aiming to achieve so that you have a balance of success and happiness. As 2024 begins, I hope that everyone has a safe, happy, and blessed New Year.

Read other articles by Gracie Smith