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Tips on Activities To Keep Moving

Linda Stultz
Certified Fitness Trainer

(4/2020) We all have heard how important it is to keep active and not become sedentary. The statement sitting is the new smoking has been circulating on TV and social media for a while now. I don't think most people take this statement as seriously as they should. When we sit for a long period of time our joints may become stiff and therefore it is painful to get up, walk or do the daily things we must take care of in life. It becomes a vicious circle of sitting, getting stiff, hurting and not wanting to walk, and the problem comes full circle to sitting more.

In this article I thought I would do something a little different and give you some lists that you can put on your refrigerator, your bathroom mirror or someplace that you will see them several times each day. Hopefully you will be reminded that you should be moving more and also some things that you can do to achieve your goals.

Things you can do to keep your legs limber and muscle tone in shape while watching TV: 1) get up and walk through the house at commercials, 2) do ankle circles while sitting and watching TV, 3) bend knees up and down like pumping the brakes on your car, 4) stand and go up on toes and back on heels.(Be sure to hold on to something for balance, 4) curl your toes for circulation in feet, and 6) hold on to something for balance and extend your legs out to the side, back and bend knees up in front.

Things to keep your shoulders, arms and fingers moving: 1) hold arms out to sides and do circles, 2) roll shoulders forward and back, 3) lift arms up and out in front then down to your sides, 4) arms out in front and pull back to squeeze shoulder blades together, 5) wiggle fingers and then make a fist, 6) squeeze a foam ball or something soft to strengthen hands, and 7) lift shoulders up then drop down.

Things to strengthen your core muscles (abdomen & back): 1) pull your stomach muscles in & hold then push out, 2) b end from side to side while sitting or standing (be sure to hold on to something for balance), and 3) twist your midsection from side to side while sitting to protect your knees.

There are many other exercises you can do while sitting or standing that will strengthen your muscles and keep you from feeling stiff and sore. Always check with your doctor if you have any conditions that you may need to consider before starting any exercise program. Most doctors are happy when their patients ask them about exercise and what they can do to improve mobility.

Exercise CDs and programs on your TV are great ways to start an exercise program with guided moves that will help you. Always be sure to feel secure while doing any of the moves when you are standing. Balance is something we all need to work on as we age. Holding on to a chair or something that will not move will give you the support you need to prevent a fall or accident. Safety is the first thing to consider when you are trying to improve your balance and health.

Remember to keep moving and I hope these suggestions will help you. I'm always interested in learning what you may have learned to improve your health so please give me a call at 717-334-6009 and share any tips you may have and want to let others in on.

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