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Sunshine and fresh air

Linda Stultz
Certified Fitness Trainer

(3/2021) The winter months may make it hard to get outside for some exercise. Taking a walk in the brisk cold air of winter is refreshing and helps burn a few extra calories. Just thinking about going out in the cold may make you decide to skip your daily walk but that is not the thing to do. Bundle up and get out in the fresh air. Once you decide you are going to take a walk every day and you stick to that commitment for a few weeks I think you will actually look forward to it. Starting and keeping a good habit takes at least six to eight weeks to become a true habit. Bad habits are much easier to stick to but you usually don't benefit from them.

Call a friend or family member if you like to have someone to walk with. Sometimes having someone to depend on or who depends on you can make it easier. I know we need to keep our distance from those who do not live in our house but taking a walk outside it a great way to connect with someone else and still be able to keep a safe distance. If you are someone who likes to walk alone you just need to find a time that works for you and commit to walking everyday.

Always check with your doctor if you have any health conditions before you start a walking routine. Walking is usually the best way to start getting a little exercise if you have not been active. Find a safe place to walk where you can go at your own speed and work up the speed and distance when you feel ready. It may be tempting to stroll and that may be the speed you should start but try to push yourself a little after a week or two. Getting your heart rate up is good for your whole body and will make your heart happy.

Walking in the fresh air and sunshine is a great way to wake up and keep a brisk pace. We all need to get some vitamin D and spending 10 to 15 minutes in the sun each day is a great way to do that. Sun protection is important and we need to limit our sun exposure but getting out in the morning sunshine for a few minutes before the sun's rays are too strong will be safe. I realize cold air may not be advisable for everyone. People with some health conditions may need to take extra care from the cold.

That is something you may need to talk to your doctor about. If you are not able to walk outside when the weather is cold maybe you can walk on a treadmill, ride a stationary bike or find an inside facility where you can walk. Walking is a fun and great way to start an exercise routine. Once you decide you would like to challenge yourself a little more you may decide to add some other exercises that you enjoy. Swimming, hiking, biking, weight lifting, cardio or whatever you like will be easier to add to your routine for better health.

Whatever you decide is the exercise you will stick with is the one for you to start with. I suggested walking because it is something we do anyway and is not strenuous to start with. If walking is not something you are able to do, find an exercise that fits your ability and life. Remember, moving is the important thing.

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