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Health questions many people have!

Linda Stultz
Certified Fitness Trainer

(7/2024) I have had many questions over the years about exercise, nutrition and health related matters so in this article I will be sharing a few of them.

You should always get advice and training from someone who has been trained and educated in weight lifting before you start. It is definitely important to have training in the proper techniques before you start a weightlifting program.

One question that some people are confused about is how much weight they should lift when they start weightlifting. I usually ask them, what they are trying to achieve? Do they want to loose weight and build strength or do they want to build muscle like a bodybuilder? Most people want to keep the muscle they have and build more strength to be healthy. This type of weightlifting is achieved by using light to moderate weight and doing more repetitions. A person who wants to body build large muscles or go into competition would use heavier weights with less repetitions.

Another question many people have is, which is better running or walking. Again, my question to them is what are they trying to achieve? Walking is the best way to start, especially if you have been sedentary and not doing much. For most people, walking gets their heart rate up and burns calories. Walking also gets their muscles and joints moving. Starting at a moderate to brisk pace is usually fine for most people but everyone should check with their doctor, especially if you have any health issues before you start any type of exercise program. After you have been walking for a few weeks or months, whatever is right for you, you could start jogging or running if that is what your goal was. Many people like to run for exercise and to clear their head from the stress of the day. Others run to train for a race . Whichever you choose, walking or running, they are both great to improve blood pressure, cholesterol, weight, depression and many other health issues. It is also a great way to spend time with family and friends.

Fresh or frozen, which is better when it comes to fruits and vegetables. I always prefer fresh when it is in season. Fresh tastes better and we always look forward to what is coming in at the time. Strawberries and blueberries fresh from the field are fun to have. Apple picking in the fall can be a great way to get exercise and great tasting fruit. Veggies from your garden or the community farmers market are always good. Frozen fruits and vegetables are usually picked at the peak of freshness and contain the same nutrients as fresh ones. The important thing is not fresh or frozen. The important thing is to eat your fruits and veggies for good health.

I often get asked the question of how much water should you drink each day. We have always heard eight glasses of water a day. That's a good amount of water to try to get each day but it can also depend on your exercise and activity level. Everyone is different and our bodies respond differently. If you work outside in the hot weather and loose moisture by sweating a lot, you will need to adjust your water intake accordingly. The important thing to remember is by the time you feel thirsty you are already getting dehydrated. Don't wait till you feel you need something to drink, just take drinks several times and hopefully you will never feel dehydrated.

I hope these have answered a few of your questions. If you have more questions I would like to hear from you. You can contact me at 717-334-6009 with any questions. Remember, Keep Moving.

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