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Sun protection and skin health!

Linda Stultz
Certified Fitness Trainer

(6/2024) We are all concerned with improving and maintaining good health. We have all heard this information before and I have written about it a few times before but I feel it is so important it is worth writing and reading it again. Hearing it again could just save a lot of problems for and your loved ones in the future. When we think of our health we usually think about our heart, cholesterol, blood pressure and physical health. All of these things are inside one of the biggest organs we have. Our skin is very important in providing overall good health to our body.

Sunscreen is a great way to protect our skin from sunburns and skin problems. We need to start from day one to protect our skin from too much sun exposure when we are outside. Babies should always be protected from the harmful sun's rays by keeping them covered up when out in the sun or keeping them under a protective roof or screen when they are outside. Sunscreen is important for every age everyday. Whether you are outside in the direct sun or inside, it is important to use an SPF sunscreen everyday. Even when you are inside the sun's rays come through the window and can affect your skin. It's never too late to start using protective sun screens. I am from the generation of using baby oil on the beach to get a tan. Oh my, if we only knew then what we know now we would have been much more careful in protecting our skin.

With summer coming with it's hot days and strong sun rays it is very important to do your research to protect yourself and your family. Starting children out using protective sunscreen is a way to help them avoid some of the skin problems they may have in the future. As I said earlier, I would have done some things very different when I was younger had I known the consequences that could come years later. Educate your children on the importance of taking care of their skin health and overall health now. We have so much more information and knowledge that we can use to maintain our health for the future.

Our skin can benefit from good nutrition, sun protection, sufficient water intake and good cleansing. A good daily routine of hygiene and care is the most important way we can insure the best health we can have inside and out for our future.

Warm weather is upon us and getting outside is a great way to get exercise, improve your mood and just feel better. It is also necessary now that the grass and weeds are growing. The lawn and garden needs attention everyday and must be taken care of even if the sun is beating down and the heat is making us sweat. That's the time we especially need to protect our skin. Sometimes we are working and forget to put sunscreen on when we first go out but it is really easy to forget to re-apply it. We should put sunscreen on about every half hour or so to keep the protection we need. It's fun to be out in the sun but protecting ourselves from the harmful rays is very important for good skin health. Have fun, enjoy the sun but take care of yourself too. Remember to keep moving, you'll be glad you did.

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