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Frozen vegetables and fruits are great!

Linda Stultz
Certified Fitness Trainer

(2/2024) Fresh vegetables and fruits are always the healthy option but this time of year they are not always easy to find the ones you want. Frozen vegetables are always available in the grocery stores and are just as nutritious as fresh. Frozen vegetables are picked and frozen at the peak of freshness and therefore don't lose any of their nutritional value. They also keep longer than fresh veggies so you always have them available.

Frozen fruit is different than fresh so you may have to find alternative ways to prepare it but it is also just as good for you as fresh. You can make smoothies or even use frozen fruit in cakes, cookies or pies. You can also put frozen peaches, blueberries or strawberries on cereal, in oatmeal or on top of waffles or pancakes. There are many ideas for getting your daily servings of fruits and veggies. Check online or get recipes from friends and family.

The way we prepare food today is so different from just a few decades ago. More people use boxed meals because of the convenience and time demands of our busy lifestyles. Preservatives and chemicals are used in pre-packaged foods to give them an inviting and appealing look and texture. While these additives should be approved by the FDA or whatever regulatory system they are subject to, sometimes they are not adding any nutritional value to us. I realize preparing fresh veggies and meals takes a little more time and effort but people are beginning to understand the health benefits of eating fresh foods.

Frozen meals also contain additives but some have less preservatives than boxed foods. As I mentioned before, frozen veggies and fruit can be just as nutritious as fresh because they are picked at the peak of ripeness and frozen immediately.

Another way of eating fresh is to prepare a few dishes on a day that you have the time and place it in the freezer for the week. This way it does not have added preservatives of boxed foods but is easy to pop in the microwave and heat up on those busy days.

I know everyone has a busy life and time is precious. I just wanted to present a few ideas that may help. Maybe some of these suggestions will work for you and your family. I am always open to suggestions and ideas. If you have any helpful hints, please let me know at 717-334-6009. Give someone you love or yourself the gift of a healthy lifestyle.

Remember to keep moving, you'll feel better if you do.

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