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Weight loss benefits and concerns

Linda Stultz
Certified Fitness Trainer

(3/2024) We are hearing so much these days about weight loss and the many ways to achieve the weight we are looking for. Some people can cut back on the kinds and amount of food they eat and loose weight. Others have a much harder time and seems no matter what they do the weight just won't come off. Talking to a doctor may be the answer and a safe way to achieve their goal.

No matter what method you choose to use to loose the weight you want to shed, being healthy is a must. Some diets cut out certain groups of food or incorporate certain groups of food and that can cause problems for your health.

Vitamins, minerals and nutrients we get in the food we eat is necessary for maintaining our health. When certain foods are removed from our daily diet we are also removing essential elements we need to keep our body functioning properly. This is when the concerns come into play with some of the diets out today. Not consuming the nutrients we need to live an energetic life can cause many problems down the road.

Depriving ourselves of healthy food can contribute to the development of issues like diabetes, heart problems and muscular and skeletal problems. Our body needs the proper amount and types of vitamins, minerals and nutrients to keep growing and being strong, especially as we age. Cutting back on the amount and types of food we eat can limit the amount of nutrition we are giving our body.

The benefits of loosing weight are important for many people. Carrying too much weight can put a strain on the knees, hips, heart, lungs and just about all parts of our body. The important thing to remember is to loose the weight in a way that is not counter productive. It can be a fine line between shedding the weight necessary to improve your mobility and ability to do the things you need and like to do. The thing to watch out for is not to eliminate the foods that give you the important daily diet we all need to live a healthy productive lifestyle.

While loosing weight can be a struggle for some, the important thing to remember is we are all different and are not all the same size. One persons healthy size is not the same as another persons. Find a comfortable weight that works for you and try to maintain it while still eating a healthy diet.

In today's world too many people are judging what a person looks like instead of being concerned with their health. Living the best life you can live is the best way to manage your weight. Don't compare yourself to anyone else. You are you and keeping yourself healthy is more important that trying to blend in with the rest of the world. Once we realize that and don't put so much pressure on ourselves to be the perfect size life becomes a little easier when thinking about how we should feel about ourselves.

Remember to keep moving and eating healthy and the rest will all work out. I like to hear any ideas or strategies that have worked for you. Please let me know and I will be glad to share them with others. Talking to people is the best way I have found to learn what has helped others and what may help you. You can share your ideas with me at 717-334-6009. I look forward to hearing from you.

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