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Pets Large & Small

Wag more. Bark less

Jennifer Vanderau
Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter

(4/2022) On the way into work this morning, I saw the most adorable bumper sticker on a car. It said, "Wag more. Bark less."

How appropriate is that?

First of all, it's an awesome sentiment in the general sense. I really think as human beings we should focus on being happy. I walk by so many people every day who look as though their face would literally crack if they smiled. You know what I mean? It breaks my heart a little.

I'm not trying to be na•ve here. I know a lot of people carry around a lot of demons on their shoulders – some more heinous than others – and some days it's incredibly difficult to muster up a grin. If you have days like that and still manage to make it out of bed, you are amazing and a rock star and I am in awe of you. For real.

Believe me, I know what it’s like when getting out of bed is a Herculean effort.

I've found one of the best ways to combat the demons is to not let them win. I know a lot of times that can be easier said than done. That nasty voice inside your head can be pretty convincing, can’t it? And from an Eastern philosophy perspective, it’s there for a reason. So, it’s okay to listen to it – just don’t get stuck there. Because there is another side.

I have had my fair share of days where it feels like the bad is winning and it can be overwhelming. It’s those days when I try to practice being happy – and I literally mean practice, like you would a sport or a musical instrument.

Smile. Deliberately lift those lips. There are meditations in Traditional Chinese Medicine that involve nothing more than smiling. The act alone will increase your qi, or your mood, if you will.

I think it's especially important to find something you truly enjoy and participate in it at least every day – whatever it may be. Reading. Writing. Sewing. Working in your yard. Fixing up a car. Creating a newsletter. Talking to a friend. Planting a tree. It’s your life. You get to choose what makes you happy.

You know who has that kind of attitude already? Here's a hint: it takes us back to my original sentence.

Yep, you guessed it. Dogs.

Heck, even my cats seem pretty darn happy when they're running around the apartment like lunatics, although that may have more to do with the fact that they seem delighted in the fact that they own pretty much everything they touch – including me. Sigh. Cats. They’re special creatures, aren’t they?

Let’s get back to the dogs. We’ve had dogs at the shelter that love to chase any kind of toy – balls, Frisbees, you name it. Watching them fly through the outside kennel time and time again after that round piece of plastic leaves very little doubt in your mind as to whether or not they are happy.

If people behaved more like a dog at play and truly embraced the happiness that life can bring, I think we'd all be a lot better off.

The second sentiment of the bumper sticker is equally important: bark less.

One of my favorite writings is a prose poem by Max Ehrmann created in the 1920s. It begins with the line, "Go placidly amidst the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence."

How many times do we know true silence? Have you ever stood outside when the snow is falling at nighttime? That is an amazing time to listen to the silence.

Barking and talking and speaking sometimes aren't the best ways to handle situations. The old adage, "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" comes to mind here.

How often do we "bark" about things that we really don't have to? Do we realize the actual power of our words and conversely, the real power of silence? Do we know how much energy useless ÒbarkingÓ takes up in a day?

It's amazing how far I can philosophize about a bumper sticker, isn't it?

But I really do think life has lessons for us everywhere and as long as we're alive and kicking, we should always be striving to learn.

So, you know what? Wag more. Wiggle those hips. Pretend you have a tail. Sure, your dog will look at you like you're a nut, but I bet by the end of the little exercise you're grinning to yourself and your four-legged friend. Do it to music. That’s when it’s really fun.

Additionally, bark less. Take some time for the quiet and the silence. Sit tonight with your cat or dog or rabbit and find some peace and serenity. See if it doesn't make you feel just a little bit better.

I wouldn't necessarily advise trying to read every bumper sticker you come across, especially these days, but sometimes, you can find a real gem that can help us all realize what life is really about.


Jennifer Vanderau is the Publications and Promotions Consultant for the Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter and can be reached at The shelter accepts both monetary and pet supply donations. For more information, call the shelter at 717-263-5791 or visit the website CVAS also operates a thrift store in Chambersburg, Pa. Help support the animals at the shelter by donating to or shopping at the store.

Read other articles by Jennifer Vanderau