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Bold move

Pastor Sabrina Slimmer
Keymar Wesleyan Church

(5/1) I am sure we all know someone who is the life of the party, or maybe that person is you? Either way there is always someone at some get together who doesn’t mind having all eyes on them. Teenagers usually don’t mind having all the attention. I have one who comes to my house on a regular basis. This teen loves to walk into a room and ask those around if he can arm wrestle them. Yes, everyone knows when this person is around.

God usually isn’t that bold in making his presence known. He will wrestle with you if you make Him, just read about Jacob and his encounter with God, but that usually isn’t His way. We no longer hear God speak to us in burning bushes, or in pillars of smoke and fire, or have a messenger who sees God face to face on top of a mountain like we read in the Bible.

And no doubt the disciples knew they were God as they had just witnessed the boldest move God had ever done, raising Jesus the Son of God from the dead. It is in Acts when the disciples are with Jesus again after His resurrection that He reminds them that He will leave them, but promises to send another. He instructs them "Do not leave Jerusalem until the Father sends you what He promised. Remember, I have told you about this before. John baptized you with water, but in just a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit." Acts 1:4

Jesus reminds his disciples that God promised a gift, and God is faithful to do what He says if we stay faithful and obedient to Him. In this verse we read Jesus asking them to do something - Stay in Jerusalem, and if they do God will send what He promised. Jesus goes on to say what the promised gift is … The Holy Spirit.

So who is the Holy Spirit and why do we need Him? The Holy Spirit is a part of the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God the same God as Abraham talked about, the same God Jesus proclaimed to be, it is the same God now in Spirit form. Meaning He has all the authority of God and in John chapter 3 verse 6 describes Him as "The giver of Life from Heaven."

We answered who, so now let’s look at why we need Him? When you read your Bible you will see throughout the new testament why we need Him; He gives us strength, helps us to speak for Christ, helps us to change letting go of our old selves and changing more and more like Jesus, he helps us to understand the Bible, urges us towards salvation, He brings us peace, helps us to pray, and so much more.He marks the beginning of the Christian experience. We are only adopted into God’s family by His Spirit, He is the power that transforms our lives helping us to become more like Jesus, He helps to connect us to a community of other believers, and He can be experienced by all and when allowed too He can work for all people.

It is because of the Spirit, that others, on the day His Spirit was poured out upon the disciples, heard the testimony of Jesus Christ being spoken in their own language. The Bible tells us in Acts 2:2 - 4 "Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm in the skies above them, and it filled the house where they were meeting. 3 Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. 4 And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability."

It is here that God, like that teen who regularly comes into my home asking unwilling men if they would arm wrestle him, makes Himself known to a group of believers in a bold way. God sent His Spirit, and did exactly what He said He would do. HE gave them the power to speak boldly for Christ.

Others that day were confused and wondered how they could understand these men who were not from their homelands and normally spoke in another language? Confusion can bring many emotions. If you have ever been abruptly woken from a nap or from sleep there is an element of confusion "What is going on?" And when left in the state of confusion we as humans can become easily agitated and start trying to come up with our own explanations, which is exactly what happened. If you read chapter 2 you will read that those around the apostles thought of them as drunk.

Remember, the Holy Spirit helps us to BOLDLY speak about Christ, and that is exactly what happened. Peter receives an unknown wisdom about what was happening by the Holy Spirit. Not only was he able to explain what was going on, but he was able to use their own Torah to explain it quoting Joel 2:28-29 "Then after I have poured out my rains, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughter will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams. Your young men will see visions. In those days, I will pour out my Spirit even on servants, men and women alike."

There were Jews there whose hearts were opened and softened so they could accept what Peter was saying and accept the testimony of Jesus. We read that on that day 3,000 men and women were saved starting the Christian Church. The people of that day asked in response to Peter preaching, "What should we do?" And this is the basic question we should be asking ourselves. It’s not enough to be sorry for our sins we must repent - ask God to forgive us.

If you want to follow Jesus, you must "Turn from your sins and turn to God, and be baptized." This means we ask God to forgive us - repent and change from a life that thinks about what's best for "me" to a life that totally depends on God for forgiveness, trusting you have been forgiven when you asked, trusting and depending on God for mercy, guidance, and purpose.

We cannot save ourselves, if we could there would’ve been no need for Jesus to come.The hard truth is, we cannot save ourselves and are in desperate need of a savior. The Good News is, we have that! And His name is Jesus Christ.

You are not lost, forgotten, neglected, or unworthy. You are found, highly valued, every need thought of before you can even ask for it, and totally worthy of His love and sacrifice. All you need to do is accept it.

If this is something you want to know more about and have in your life we would love to connect with you at Keymar Wesleyan Church 1011 Keymar. This is a place where we will help you to connect in groups and be with others who want the same thing you are looking for. Or connect to a church that is close to you that will help you find that relationship you are looking for in Jesus Christ. The most important thing you can do is to seek out other believers and connect with them in reading the Bible, prayer and gaining understanding of what the Bible is telling you. Don’t do it alone; connect!

To learn more about Keymar Wesleyan Chuch visit them at or better yet, join them for Sunday service at 1011 Francis Scott Key Hwy, Keymar