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The Small Town Gardener

Understanding your shade & and planting for it
Marianne Willburn

(4/2020) Do you get frustrated by the shady spots in your garden? It’s more likely that you’re actually frustrated by planting sun-loving plants in the wrong place and watching them fail. Though it would make things a lot easier for gardeners if shade fit neatly into categories of ‘part’ or ‘full,’ such is rarely the case in the average garden; and this leads to frustration when plants don’t bloom, or exhibit weak growth.

Once you take the time to understand the exposure of different parts of your property to available light, you can make better choices when selecting plants and giving them what they need to thrive.

First things first. Get excited! If you have shade in your garden you are extremely fortunate. Not only is there a wealth of wonderful plants available to create a lush, inviting space, the coolest place to be in the heat of summer is quite literally a shady garden. Instead of ignoring your shade or feeling exasperated by it, it’s time to understand it.

Part Shade (or Part-Sun)

This is one of the most popular categories of shade, as plants in a part-shade location experience 4-6 hours of sun each day, and some sun lovers can adapt quite easily – such as agastache and garden phlox. Experiment, and be aware that morning sun is usually much gentler than afternoon sun, which can burn the foliage of shade lovers who need light to bloom.

Planting suggestions: Canna lily, liriope, euonymus, colocasia, big-leaf hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla).

Dappled Shade

The slightly opened canopy of some woodlands allows pools of light to move around the forest floor, giving 2-4 total hours to shrubs such as rhododendron that need a little light to bloom well. Dappled shade isn’t only for woodlands however. It could be neighborhood houses or trees that create this exposure in your yard.

Planting suggestions: rhododendron, camellia, tree peonies, hosta, tiarella, Japanese forest grass, wood phlox (Phlox stolonifera), honesty (Lunaria annua),

Summer Shade

This is the classic deciduous woodland exposure that coaxes ephemeral beauties like bluebells and snowdrops out of leaf-strewn woodland floors with sunlight, then darkens the stage until winter arrives. If you are fortunate enough to have a woodland on your property, you are fortunate indeed. The incredible, delicate flowers for early spring are numerous, and miraculous. Help them out a bit by clearing your woodland of invasive thugs like garlic mustard when you see it, and take the time to clear a walking path so you can enjoy them!

Planting suggestions: Virginia bluebell (Mertensia virginica), trillium, snowdrops, bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis), Dutchman’s breeches (Dicentra cucularia), Spanish bluebells (Hyacinthoides hispanica), trout lily (Erythronium americanum)

Bright Shade

This is a shade exposure where you can see the sky above, but direct sunlight is blocked by a building or a tree to the north or east. Sun lovers will get leggy here, but as it isn’t directly beneath a tree, and more moisture is usually available, this is a terrific situation for many ferns, wild gingers and other plants whose foliage is both fascinating and colorful.

Planting suggestions: Ostrich fern, sensitive fern, wild ginger, heuchera, coleus, bleeding heart, Solomon’s seal

Full (or dense) Shade

Full shade can also be termed ‘dense shade’ and is challenging due to a double whammy of low light and low available moisture. Don’t panic – you’ve got options. First, consider opening up the canopy slightly, or at least trimming up lower branches to create a high ceiling effect. Doing so will visually lighten the space, even if actual light levels are low.

Low light means that grass will not do well here, but the good news is, neither will weeds. Consequently, if you create mulched or graveled spaces under the trees, they will remain neat and free of weeds for much longer. Many of us need a play area for kids, grandkids or pets – dense shade is a terrific opportunity to put those treehouse/doghouse/playhouse plans into action.

If you are focused on plants instead, consider creating a small container garden here – perhaps with a garden bench to enjoy the cool shade on a hot day – making sure that pots are separated from the soil by bricks or other risers (some trees will find drainage holes and sneak into them).

Planting suggestions: epimedium, big-root geranium, wood spurge, Japanese or native pachysandras, lily of the valley, Japanese sacred lily

Learn from the Shade of Others

Do yourself a favor as a gardener and as a human being who must navigate increasingly warmer summers. Read and study on shade gardens; and when you visit public gardens, or the gardens of friends, spend time in their shady spaces asking questions about the actual shade exposure of certain areas and the moisture levels.

Doing so will help you compile lists of plants and their favored exposures so you can confidently begin to create your own shady oasis.

Read past editions of The Small Town Gardener

Marianne is a Master Gardener and the author of Big Dreams, Small Garden.
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