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100 Years Ago This Month

September 1913

September 5

Boy Scouts Enjoy Visit to Emmitsburg

It was a band of sturdy little scouts that came into Emmitsburg on Friday afternoon and there is not one among the number had he been asked, who would not have said that Emmitsburg is about as nice a place to camp as any in Maryland.

The spot allotted them, Fireman's Field, was ideal for this purpose and the entertainment afforded them by the Christian Endeavor Society of the Lutheran Church left nothing to be desired.

Soon after their arrival these gentlemanly little fellows, "put their house in order," and then gave themselves up to innocent enjoyment. This of course included a plunge in the old swimming hole and various sightseeing expeditions to neighboring points of interest.

A liberal collection was taken up in town to be applied to the fund which enables these little fellows-most of whom are sons of parents who cannot afford to send them on an outing-to enjoy such an interesting vacation.

Farm For Sale Or Rent

Farm, 4 miles west of Emmitsburg, in Eylers Valley. 146 acres, 46 acres in wood land. Splendid Wheatland. Weather board house, seven rooms and basement. Large fine barn. Outbuildings in good condition. Abundance of good spring water. Apples and pears. For sale for $4,250 or rent for $20 per month.

Painting and Wallpapering

Rooms papered from $2.50 per room and up. Fine line of samples to select from. Rooms painted from $1 per room and up. All work neatly and promptly done. Give me a call. Write, wire, or phone. Signed M. Hardman, Main Street.

New Veterinarian In Town

Dr. Wrigley announced this week that he has secured the services of Dr. Luther Rumsburg, a veterinary surgeon of 10 years experience, to assist in his professional practice. Dr. Rumsburg can be reached at Dr. Wrigley's residence on E. Main St.. He will respond to calls day and night.

Death of Samuel Florence

Samuel Florence, the 20-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Florence, of near this place, died of typhoid phenomena on Friday morning. Mr. Florence was spending a few weeks with his parents. He had been sick only a few days and his death was a great shock to the community. He is survived by his parents and five brothers and one sister.

September 12

University of Harney Invents Unique Airship

Probably one of the most unique airplanes ever constructed is that which has just been finished by Dr. Jerry Overholser and Dr. Daniel Shorb, both of the faculty of Harney University. This airplane may be seen for the next few days at the hangar of Dr. Shorb’s Estates, "Pig’s Misery."

It took 27 men, working day and night underwater, to build the machine. Many of the mechanical devices were designed by Adm. Bushman and the air digging devices by Dr. John Glass.

According to Dr. Overholtzer: "The main feature of the engine, which is of the complex eccentric type, is the simplicity of the duplicidentate. The meta centre articulates with the friction real and top burtons on the warping chock. This flutes the suction pipe in such a manner as to lap joint the back gear. The lubricator, connecting with a center balance spring, throws the pinch cock under the carburetor, at the same time opening the muffler cutout near the nephoscope. This feeds the silo juice through the bunghole and sparks the fifth wheel near the gunwale. The cloud anchor, which is regulated by a heliograph, is so adjusted on the pinochle deck that its releases automatically from the whiffletree, making it possible to stop and remain stationary by putting on the reverse clutch while going at the rate of 184 knots a second."

Dr. Overholtzer and his crew will make a flight next week at four o’clock from the Popular Ridge standpipe to the Eiffel Tower, stopping for lunch at the Sandwich Islands.

Knitting Mills

In the short time in which the Union Knitting Mill has been established in Emmitsburg the output has been so satisfactory that the manager has advertised for more hands. This factory began operation less than a year ago and in that time it has progressed rapidly. It is very probable that if more employees are obtained and more machinery installed it will be necessary in the future to make larger arrangements for a larger accommodation.

Tom Hays Thrown from Motorcycle

Mr. Thomas Hays apparently does not feel the effects of the accident that occurred to him Monday morning as he is again able to attend to his business. The handlebars of his motorized cycle became loose as he was returning from Mount St. Mary's and he was thrown him unconscious to the ground. He was taken to the home of Mrs. Favorite where Dr. Jamison treated him. It was discovered that he had sustained a badly bruised and lacerated arm. Later that day he complained of a sickly feeling in his head.

Tom’s motorized cycle was so badly damaged it had to be shot.

September 19

Meeting of Equal Suffrage League

A special meeting of the Equal Suffrage League of Emmitsburg was held at the home of Mrs. Annan Saturday afternoon. A number of ill-informed local women and out of town visitors were present. The league members are very enthusiastic over the fact that the membership has doubled itself. The next regular meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Annan on October 10. Husbands of women choosing to attend the next meeting are invited to deal with their shame by getting "loaded" at the Hotel Stagle’s bar.


Several men contributed towards the support of the corporation this week. One man who was under the impression he could ride a bicycle while he was "snooted up" was entertained for a while Tuesday night by the authorities. He evidently took exception to the deluxe apartments provided him and departed under cover of darkness without leaving his address.

September 26

William Eyler Refused Pardon

Application for the pardon of William Eyler, convicted of first-degree murder in Adams County and later sent to the Eastern penitentiary for life after his sentence was commuted by the Board of Pardons, was refused last week for further consideration by that body. The board was presented a widely signed petition and letters from Eyler and his family. The petitions stated that Mr. Eyler have repented sincerely of his crime of killing Tom Miller of Mount Joy Township, and had become thoroughly converted to the Christian faith and was now one of the best prisoners in the penitentiary.

Following the presentation of the petitions a member of the board said that he recall distinctly the details of the case and that he regarded it as one of the most horrible murders that had been committed in this section and saw no reason why any pardon should be granted at this time. The District Attorney, who tried the case for the Commonwealth, presented briefly the evidence produced at that time and offered further objections to the granting of a pardon.

Loses Way On Mountain

One day the past week, a gentleman who prides himself on being a fine pedestrian, and also as having a unique facility of finding his way from place to place, started for a walk to Indian Lookout and Carrick’s Knob. He succeeded in getting to those points without any trouble. On his way home however, Mr. G. followed the path which he thought would take him homeward; but alas, paths are many and confusing in the mountains. Mr. G. lost his way entirely for a while and wandered through brushes, briars, stones and rocks. After three hours tramping he finally landed in the backyard of one of the farmers living close to the foot of the mountain and was met, not by the family dog, but by the family cow, which, being unused to strangers, preceded with lowered head to chase the intruder to the public road. Mr. G. did not stand on ceremony, but made good time in reaching the road and placing a fence between himself and the cow.

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